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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-07-06 Mindfulness and the Spectrum of Awareness Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:53
Diana Winston
This talk introduces the basics of mindfulness. IT also explore different ways of being aware. We can view awareness practices on a spectrum from focused awareness, to flexible awareness, to natural awareness. The talk goes along with the July 9, 2018 Guided Meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone

2018-07-02 23 Guided Meditation: Distilling and Dwelling in Your Dhamma Potential 24:34
Ajahn Sucitto
Imagining there is only an hour left to live, recollect what has been meaningful and of value. The word just acts as the suitcase, then we have to open it and get a feeling for it in the heart and body.
Insight Retreat Center :  Dhamma-fields Dhamma-nature

2018-06-30 Guided Meditation and Talk: Right Effort 1:17:54
Ayya Jitindriya
Santi Forest Monastery

2018-06-29 15 Guided Meditation: Breathing In Healing Energies 22:57
Ajahn Sucitto
There is an innate interest in the body to release itself. If we can meet what arises with the right kind of invitation – a mind of goodwill, patience and trust – breathing will act as a messenger and carry these qualities into the body. These then act as healing energies.
Insight Retreat Center :  Dhamma-fields Dhamma-nature

2018-06-28 13 Guided Meditation: Everything Unfolds from the Center 8:15
Ajahn Sucitto
Establish and maintain core presence through the upright axis. Keep your tap root firmly rooted in your Dhamma field and resist the temptation to move out into what arises. Just by not getting stuck in what arises weakens the power of difficulties. [Instructions end 8:08]
Insight Retreat Center :  Dhamma-fields Dhamma-nature

2018-06-27 Instructions & Guided Meditation 27:15
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2018-06-27 06 Guided Meditation: Holding the Field Beneath Self-View 17:11
Ajahn Sucitto
What’s there when self-view is released? Beneath the grip of self-view is the intention to welcome and include it all. Intentionality comes before attention.
Insight Retreat Center :  Dhamma-fields Dhamma-nature

2018-06-25 02 Guided Meditation: Sitting at the Root of a Tree 26:29
Ajahn Sucitto
Instructions to establish a grounded, upright posture for meditation and for using breathing to strengthen energy.
Insight Retreat Center :  Dhamma-fields Dhamma-nature

2018-06-20 Guided Meditation - Spacious Awareness in Nature 41:01
Mark Coleman
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awake in the Wild: Summer Solstice Meditation in Nature Retreat

2018-06-19 Metta practice reflections and a guided meditation. 29:27
Devin Berry
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

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