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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-09-20 Saying Yes: A Conversation with Tara Brach & Jane Hirshfield (Part 2) 32:23
Tara Brach
In this rich and full two-part interview, Tara speaks with renowned poet Jane Hirshfield about the interface between poetry and meditation, the centrality of acceptance, and the pathways of remembrance that reveal our belonging to this world and open us to caring. Here’s a link to Jane’s most recent book: The Asking: New and Selected Poems. The interview includes readings from this beautiful collection.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-09-20 On Dissolution 51:52
Martin Aylward
Martin explores the essence refrain of the heart sutra, looking at emptiness in terms of gone-ness, spaciousness, and dissolution. He looks at what dissolves and what remains as our core structures dissolve, particularly in the areas of desire, belief, conformity and identity, or What I want, What I believe, How I behave and Who I take my myself to be.
Gaia House A Joyful Liberation

2023-09-20 Letting Go & Letting Come ~ Working in Dialogue with the Living Planet 49:35
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-09-19 On Awake-ness 43:24
Martin Aylward
This talk begins with how Consciousness is fundamentally awake by nature. It explores ways this awake-ness gets obscured, ignored and suppressed, and goes on to looks at particular aspects of this awake nature and its functioning, such as consciousness, awareness, presence, and attention, then looks at the fruits of an awakened life.
Gaia House A Joyful Liberation

2023-09-19 Reflections on Wise Attitude 48:49
Devon Hase
Dhamma conversation with Alexis Santos about right attitude in the Sayadaw U Tejaniya tradition. Recorded at the Maine wilderness retreat.

2023-09-19 Morning Instructions and guided meditation 58:42
Greg Scharf
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2023-09-18 Mindfulness of Breathing - Week 2 of 8 - Meditation 35:05
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-09-18 Mindfulness of Breathing - Week 2 of 8 - Talk 30:17
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-09-17 Nibbana Sacred Transition Now & Ongoing 31:16
Eugene Cash
Exploring our live reality of waking up to change & discovery
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-09-17 Joy of Renunciation - Week 5 - Meditation 34:30
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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