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Dharma Talks
2014-08-30 Reflection. Technique-Skill-Attitude. The Myth of the Present Moment - Sati as Relationship. Bhaddekaratta Gāthā - Verses on a single excellent night. 23:25
Akincano Marc Weber
On having a relationship with one’s mind: About the necessity and the limitations of technique, the role of skill and attitude in the meditative process. The (false) myth of "now“ and the difference between 'the present moment' and a 'presently arisen state‘. (Verses of M 131-134)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-08-30 03 Activation, Action and Empathy 27:29
Ajahn Sucitto
Activation is followed by feeling and action (kamma). The general advice is to give attention to “how I’m feeling” rather than “what I’m going to do about it”. This is a relational approach: not to try to feel a certain kind of feeling, but just know how I’m feeling, how I’m being affected. Empathy is being with the feeling without being triggered, and reactive. This is the practice of kindness, compassion and equanimity – at the most long-term level.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unseating the Inner Tyrant

2014-08-29 02 Standing Meditation: Springing Rhythmic Nature of the Body 15:07
Ajahn Sucitto
Use standing posture to acknowledge the springing rhythmic nature of the body. When the body relaxes, the mind relaxes – the two synchronize. What the body does, the mind picks up.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unseating the Inner Tyrant

2014-08-29 The Pathless Path 60:02
Howard Cohn
Opening to life as it is. Learning how to navigate and realize the four noble truths...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2014-08-29 On the 4 Paths to empowerment. A fresh look at the teaching on iddhipādā. 47:07
Akincano Marc Weber
The "bases of power“ or the 4 paths to empowerment a) in the context of the suttas and b) in the context of everyday life. A non-canonical detour that maps the pattern of the "empowerment won by ardency, perseverance and concentration of desire / energy / mind / discernment“ with the archetypes; a and a possible reflection on the pattern of seeking success and empowerment in our own life.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-08-29 01 Meditation is Always Present Moment 30:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Direct experience of the body in the present moment provides a mooring in the midst of thoughts and emotions.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unseating the Inner Tyrant

2014-08-29 Reflection. (A) Fire simile: When and when not practice some of the awakening factors. (B) What do hindrances feed on? What are the nutriments of the awakening factors? What the texts and commentaries say. 31:25
Akincano Marc Weber
(A) Short exposition of S 53,3 / S v 112: When to practice which particular awakening factors. (B) Exposition of S 51,1 / S v 102-105: a look at a terse text and a commentary’s helpful suggestions.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-08-28 The What, Why and How of Dharma Practice 59:45
James Baraz
Coming to retreat people often ask themselves "What are we doing and why?" This talk explains the basic principles of vipassana, why it's so transformative and attitudes that support the deepening of that transformation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2014-08-28 Reflection. Dhammānupassanā. Contemplation of Mindobjects and States. 24:49
Akincano Marc Weber
Structural difference of the 4th satipaṭṭhāna in comparison to the other three. Focusing on the nivāraṇa (hindrances) and bojjhaṅga (awakening factors) as possibilities for inquiry and investigation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-08-27 Une méditation guidée, un enseignement et une dernière méditation guidée 53:02
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

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