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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-05-10 Evolving Together 55:41
Wes Nisker
The new story of who we are in the universe - told with humor and dharma.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spring Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-05-10 Sitting on the Edge 46:03
John Travis
The spiritual journey through retreat and trekking; vulnerability, humility and knowing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat

2013-05-10 Love 28:35
Amma Thanasanti
Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-05-10 Boundless Metta in Difficult Times - A Guided Loving Kindness Meditation 41:28
Ayya Medhanandi
We can develop the boundless quality of metta in difficult conditions.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Waking Up to the Peace in Our Hearts: Monastic Retreat

2013-05-10 Guided Meditation - Early Morning - Body (Part 2) 10:41
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Practising Presence - Touching the Still Heart

2013-05-10 Hindrances and Similies 64:57
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Practising Presence - Touching the Still Heart

2013-05-10 Meditation Instructions - Pain and Sleepiness 36:33
Akincano Marc Weber
Gaia House Practising Presence - Touching the Still Heart

2013-05-09 Change is Possible 51:13
James Baraz
Our attitudes and attachment to views change over time including choosing to become more conscious and kind. Includes James describing his visit to Jessup Prison in Maryland where he spent an inspiring afternoon with prisoners who had gone through the Awakening Joy material.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2013-05-09 One Inalienable Right 58:32
Ayya Medhanandi
We can free our hearts from suffering
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Waking Up to the Peace in Our Hearts: Monastic Retreat

2013-05-09 Pointing out the Radiance 58:20
Trudy Goodman
Dharma teachings on conflict and kindness, identity and loving awareness of who we truly are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spring Insight Meditation Retreat

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