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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-02-12 Greg Scharf: Metta Instructions Day 13:19
Greg Scharf
Mountain Hermitage February 2013 Wise Attention and Opening the Heart with Greg Scharf

2013-02-11 Seeing The Asavas 62:09
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
The Sabbasava Sutta, Majjhima Nikaya 2 (All the Taints), deals with the eradication of the three taints: desire for sensual pleasure, desire for being, and ignorance. The taints are defilements brought about and strengthened by unwise attention. The seven methods are: Seeing, Restraining, Using, Enduring, Avoiding, Removing and Developing. This talk begins a five part series on this sutta. It addresses Seeing.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Bhavana Program: Understanding the Asavas

2013-02-11 Living with heartfull presence 58:41
Mark Coleman
This talk explores how mindfulness and metta (love) work together – so we meet ourselves/others and life with wisdom, awareness, and love
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta: Lovingkindness Retreat

2013-02-11 Cultivating Wholesome States, Part 1 63:55
James Baraz
The Buddha taught that the cultivating of wholesome states (Kusala) creates conditions for awakening. This talk explores the importance of this cultivation, its place is Wise Effort and how to "maintain and increase" these states as he encouraged.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-11 Buddhist Studies Course - Dependent Origination - Week 5 1:30:41
Mark Nunberg
Understanding the Cycling of Suffering
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Dependent Origination

2013-02-11 Morning Reflection: Breath – up close and personal. With 5 questions 21:13
Akincano Marc Weber
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Februrary 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-02-11 Morning Instructions, Day 8 12:55
Heather Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-11 Greg Scharf: Walking The Path 58:02
Greg Scharf
Mountain Hermitage February 2013 Wise Attention and Opening the Heart with Greg Scharf

2013-02-11 Afternoon Brahma Vihara Instructions 24:46
Heather Martin
Neutral Person
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-10 How to Feed The Seven Awakening Factors 65:22
Heather Martin
First get to know them, really stay with them and nourish their arising; in particular sustain mindfulness and sink deeply into into experience, in a gentle steady to sustainable way.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

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