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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-11-21 Exploring Identity 51:11
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Retreat

2012-11-21 Out of the Cycle of Suffering 43:51
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain. Retreat was November 18 - 23, 2012
Shakti Vihara Porthole to Pure Presence - Nov, 2012

2012-11-21 The Four Foundations of Mindfulness IV-Mindfulness of Feeling-Tone 60:03
Donald Rothberg
We explore 1. Why attention to feeling-tone is so crucial for our practice and freedom; 2. the nature of the feeling-tones of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral; and 3. seven ways to practice with feeling-tone.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-11-21 Vipassana Meditation Instructions 51:42
Mark Coleman
Overview of vipassana/mindfulness meditation instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Retreat

2012-11-20 Thanksgiving 44:41
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2012-11-20 Cultivation and Letting G0 54:29
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain. Retreat was November 18 - 23, 2012
Shakti Vihara Porthole to Pure Presence - Nov, 2012

2012-11-20 Compassion and Metta 56:33
Spring Washam
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Retreat

2012-11-19 Spiritual Athlete 27:55
Ayya Medhanandi
Every Canadian knows Terry Fox, a teenage athlete who lost his leg to cancer, continued to train as a runner, and ran across Canada with one leg before he succumbed to his illness. His mission was to raise money for cancer research so others would not suffer. A legacy for our own journey - spiritual heroism, undaunted effort, magnanimous vision, valiant heart. The training begins now - for as along as it takes.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2012-11-19 Loving-kindness for the Earth 24:51
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Retreat

2012-11-19 A Few More Steps On The Eight Fold Path (part 2) 64:08
Pascal Auclair
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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