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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-05-28 On Clinging to Existence and Non Existence: Freedom From Self and Not-Self 44:14
Martin Aylward
This talk looks at the inevitability in language of either reifying or negating existence; "It (self) exists" or "it doesn't exist", and how either view is problematic, inviting us in the living immediacy of life, to discover the middle way beyond existing or not-existing.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Unburdening the Heart

2012-05-27 The New Bodhisattva path 59:52
David Loy
Notes for a Buddhist Revolultion
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in Service and Action: A Study Retreat on Socially Engaged Buddhism

2012-05-27 The Cause of Suffering and the Unconditioned 57:33
Bob Stahl
Insight Santa Cruz

2012-05-27 Présence absence 42:57
Charles Genoud
Ou sommes nous quand nous ne sommes pas présent
Centre Bouddhiste Vimalakirti Retraite Vipassana Part-Dieu 2012

2012-05-27 On Clinging to Thoughts: About the World, About Others, About Self 45:50
Martin Aylward
Martin explores how our various views condition our experience, and keep us locked into viewing and reacting to life in all too familiar ways. We look at the way our views limit our experience of who we are, and how investigating those views can lead us into a more ambiguous, and more liberated sense of our participation in life.
Gaia House Live and Let Go: Unburdening the Heart

2012-05-26 Genuine Love, Genuine Wisdom 58:35
Michele McDonald
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Part 1 – Lovingkindness: Metta Retreat

2012-05-26 Practicing with Difficult Emotions and thoughts 56:56
Donald Rothberg
We look at several ways to practice when strong, difficult emotions and thoughts are present. 1) Finding antidotes - ways to get unstuck if we are stuck; 2) mindfulness using various tools; and 3) wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in Service and Action: A Study Retreat on Socially Engaged Buddhism

2012-05-26 The Practice of Recovery: A Buddhist Approach to Healing Addiction 2:46:58
Kevin Griffin
In this daylong retreat we’ll explore the uses of Buddhist practices and teachings in recovery. Blending mindfulness and the12 Steps we will see how fundamental Buddhist teachings like the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Lovingkindness, and others can be used as fundamental tools in a program of recovery. The day will include lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises, as well as an introduction to mindfulness meditation.
New York Insight Meditation Center

2012-05-26 Why We Love War 30:16
David Loy
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in Service and Action: A Study Retreat on Socially Engaged Buddhism

2012-05-26 Renunciation as Right Intention 3:16:53
Tempel Smith
Of the three forms of right intention, renunciation helps overcome greed, craving and clinging. Renunciation also helps with cultivating simplicity and ease, and allows us to taste the deep contentment born out of emptiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living Dharma: The Noble Eightfold Path

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