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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-04-01 Right Relationship 42:39
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2012-03-31 Mindfulness and the Five Hindrances 63:53
Mark Coleman
An exploration of the practice of mindfulness and hot it helps navigate the hindrances of desire, aversion, doubt, sloth and restlessness in meditation and the path.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Vipassana for the Curious

2012-03-31 Understanding the Way Things Are 56:37
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Happiness

2012-03-30 Evening Chanting 4:12
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Women in Meditation: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-03-30 Awakening Love 56:40
Sharda Rogell
Our nature is love, yet through ego identification, this love becomes distorted. By following wholesome impulses, we strengthen our natural inclination to love.
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-03-30 Opening Talk for A Path of Peace and Happiness 66:59
Kirsten Kratz
This talk also includes Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Happiness

2012-03-29 Anything can happen at any time. 47:30
James Baraz
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-03-29 Application Of The Four Foundations 44:46
Rodney Smith
The four foundations move us from form to formless but also give us a view and appreciation to make the journey
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2012 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2012-03-29 Equanimity 46:49
Christina Feldman
Cultivating unshakable balance in the events and relationships of our life - equanimity as liberation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Women in Meditation: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-03-28 Attend and Befriend: Healing the Fear Body 1:25:49
Tara Brach
Our fear management strategies--versions of fight/flight-- contract our body and mind, and separate us from others. As we learn to pause and contact the bodily fear with a gentle, mindful awareness, our sense of being enlarges. We rediscover our belonging to presence, love and life.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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