This talk explores the Buddha’s teaching of Anattā (Not-self) and ways to practice with the world experience or perception of self and how we can notice with mindfulness how this sense of self ebbs and flows with conditions. The Buddha also suggested beneficial ways to engage the self such as to use conceit as a tool to generate faith.
Achtsamkeit führt zum Gewahrwerden der drei Merkmale des Daseins. Ihr Erkennen ändert uns tiefgreifend. Worum handelt es sich hierbei? Und wie erkennen wir sie? Im Zentrum stehen Vergänglichkeit, anicca, und Nicht-Selbst, anatta.
A short section on metta practice at the beginning, followed by an overview of the perceptions of anicca, dukkha and anatta. Then a focus on one particular anicca practice