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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-12-17 Guided Mettā Practice - Radiating in All Directions 44:38
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Finding Peace

2024-12-15 Guided Meditation - Mettā to Self & Easy Being 43:09
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Finding Peace

2024-12-14 Q&A- The source of metta 47:59
Ajahn Sucitto
00:19 Q1 What is the relationship between citta and yoniso manisikara? 05:27 Q2 Faith arises with the ability of the citta to realize the origins of suffering. Nekkhamma is the release anticipation of suffering [?]. Confusion arises here. The process of renunciation for the citta rather than thought. Is this the point where the felt sense doesn’t push forward or stand and enters the path? 08:45 Q3 After the high school shooting 96 km northwest of us that left 4 dead, we can feel the heat. False alarms on social media, another layer of community anxiety and mistrust arises. Our community is predominately black, transient, low income, familiar with violence. … How to step back and recognize the citta is unbalanced? How to avoid being too aggressive and suspicious? 11:12 Q4 How to skillfully investigate myself with a very challenging individual at work?13:01 Q5 When I started mediating 20 years ago I was taught that forgiveness was a preliminary practice to metta. This makes sense to me, especially with the deep groove of self-criticism I see in my mind. 13:56 Q6 I am chronically ill living a restricted and isolated life. It is a great joy but I feel remote from any attainment. Do you have any advice? 14:58 Q7 I recognize a form of vibhava tanha in nihilism that manifests as an inability to move forward in life. As I pondered this i came across a phrase : “Contemplate the dhamma body” and it felt so good.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-12-13 Guided Metta/Loving-Kindness meditation 47:34
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2024

2024-12-09 Pervading This Body and Mind with Metta 40:08
Ayya Anandabodhi
A guided meditation on pervading the body and mind with metta (Loving-kindness)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Where Wisdom & Compassion Meet - Monastic Retreat

2024-12-08 Mettā, Karuna, Muditā - Guided Meditation on Kindness Compassion & Appreciative Joy 35:03
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Boundless Heart, Vulnerable Life

2024-12-05 Maybe it's Not Metta! Using Equanimity + Compassion to work with Difficult Folks (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:29
Leslie Booker
The goal of offering metta for a difficult person, is not to change their behavior, but to make sure our hearts don't get colonized by the 3 poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. And for many of us, it's not Metta that is the gateway, but equanimity and compassion. After a 15 minute silent meditation, Booker sings Loosen by Ally Halpert as a lullaby.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

2024-12-05 Metta as Refuge (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:27
Leslie Booker
A response to where we are in this time in our history when everything might seem a bit topsy turvy and upside down. The political commentator Melissa Harris Perry refers to this kind of confusion as trying to stand up straight in a crooked room. Many of us have been secluding, isolating, putting up walls as armour, as protection - in order to not feel the full catastrophe. Many of us are here because we’re ready to lay that armour down, to engage with life and be alive again. And so this afternoons reflections will be on how we can rest in Metta as refuge.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

2024-12-02 Metta - Benefactor: Honoring Gina Sharpe + Larry Yang (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:45
Leslie Booker
Recollecting my mentors, Gina Sharpe and Larry Yang.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

2024-12-02 Body as Heart Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:26
Leslie Booker
Morning Instructions on the first foundation of mindfulness, centering the Karaniya Metta: the Buddha's Words on Loving Kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

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