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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2019-08-12 Full Body Breath Energy - Guided Meditation 41:53
Nathan Glyde
Feeling or imagining the breath entering the body as a means to stabilize and balance the attention.
Freely Given Retreats A Wide and Wonderful Path

2019-08-12 A Matter of Death, Life, Truth and Recovery 24:13
Ayya Medhanandi
Call suffering by its true name and the face of the Dhamma will emerge from within us. We meet the truth of impermanence, of death, and the universality of pain as we carve out the understanding of who we are and why we are here. Nourish the mind with virtue and shine the light to our true home, to insights that repair what has been broken and free us from fear, anxiety, and the many sufferings we have endured.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  For Our Long Lasting Benefit

2019-08-12 Samatha - Concentration and Steadiness of Mind 49:37
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg 14 day Karuna and Vipassana Meditation Retreat

2019-08-12 The Body 49:09
Bhante Bodhidhamma
A talk given by Bhante Bodhidhamma at the Golden Buddha Centre in May 2019, entitled The Body. Bhante Bodhidhamma explains how the Buddha taught that awareness is the way of seeing the reality of what we are and finding liberation from suffering. First, through the contemplation of the body, then the contemplation of thoughts, feelings, and concepts, step by step he takes us through the process of realising intuitively that we are more than mind and body.
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2019-08-12 Understanding Impermanence - Week 8 - Talk 56:40
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Impermanence

2019-08-12 Understanding Impermanence - Week 8 - Meditation 33:17
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Understanding Impermanence

2019-08-12 A Swallowtail Butterfly at the Hummingbird Feeder 30:58
Ayya Medhanandi
The quality of energy manifest as courage, commitment and compassion is the way forward. We have to be brave – like a lion. Brave warriors face the powerful maras, monsters of the mind, to overcome them. They train the mind to gain its freedom by developing heroic energy and superpower wisdom. These qualities are further ennobled with forgiveness and association with true spiritual friends.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  For Our Long Lasting Benefit

2019-08-12 Perception and Hindrances 57:29
Zohar Lavie
Freely Given Retreats A Wide and Wonderful Path

2019-08-13 What is Killing You - Thorns, Barnacles, and Buoys on the Middle Way 30:32
Ayya Medhanandi
When you know what is killing you then you will know what will save you. Right effort protects us and offers safety and seclusion. We find saving grace within if we can navigate through the wilderness of the mind assisted by a host of special qualities. It’s like being at sea. Through the thorns, barnacles and buoys on the Middle Way, learn and understand how to let go – be free. Nothing remains hidden to a true seeker.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  For Our Long Lasting Benefit

2019-08-13 Day 1 Morning Guided Sit (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:46
JoAnna Hardy
Day one of retreat - landing in the breath and body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight & Loving Kindness

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