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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2023-04-16 Guided, loving kindness, meditation 43:03
Greg Scharf
Radiating metta to all beings
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying Kindness & Wisdom

2023-04-14 Guided Metta - Mercy 44:47
Rebecca Bradshaw
Receiving Metta from a benefactor, and sharing with others, including difficult persons
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying Kindness & Wisdom

2023-04-09 Q&A 41:41
Ajahn Sucitto
1. How do you handle fear and doubt? 13:27 2. Can you explain the difference between mental feeling and emotional feeling? 16:30 3. I experience angry and unproductive thoughts over damage caused by the neighbours over 15 years. What do you suggest? 26:55 4. I experienced bullying when I was at school and I picked up a habit of trying to sleep through my classes inform the connection between aversion and drowsiness. Can you offer some suggestions please? 31:58 5. My main practice is practicing metta. Is it important to develop my meditation and walking practice alongside metta? 40:18 6. There's a negative mind state that I thought I should investigate but seem to have no energy to do so. As I continued to practice the mind state disappeared. Is it still important to investigate in case this complete lack of purpose and meaning returns?
Vimutti Buddhist Monestary :  Vimutti Retreat

2023-04-08 Settling into Metta 29:32
Ayya Anandabodhi
Morning Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embracing Change, Mastering Letting Go

2023-04-05 Entwicklung eines offenen Herzens 38:34
Renate Seifarth
Der Gegenpol zur Entwicklung von Weisheit liegt in der Entwicklung eines offenen Herzens. Dieses drückt sich aus in einer inneren Haltung liebender Güte, des Mitgefühls und der Mitfreude. Eine solche innere Haltung bzw. innere Absicht kann durch die Mettapraxis kultiviert werden. Die Betonung im Vortrag liegt auf Metta.
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  Waldhaus Osterkurs

2023-04-05 Guided Metta Meditation 43:49
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 3-Week Spring 2023 Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose

2023-04-05 Guided Metta meditation for body with Q&A 63:23
Oren Jay Sofer
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat

2023-04-04 Metta: The Heart of Practice 1:26:26
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 3-Week Spring 2023 Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose

2023-04-04 Metta Instructions 66:48
Oren Jay Sofer
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat

2023-04-01 Afternoon Guided Meditation 28:06
River Wolton
Mettā for another and oneself, expanding to all phenomena.
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Compassion

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