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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-06-03 The Responsive Heart 60:40
Rebecca Bradshaw
Turning the open heart of metta towards suffering, happiness, and peace.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Loving Friendliness: Metta Retreat

2009-06-03 The Attitude that Perpetuates Suffering 1:10:46
Tara Brach
Our conditioning is to conclude that "something is wrong" when we encounter difficulty. This way of relating to experience binds us in a trance--it locks in the identification with a separate, victimized, self; it leads to unwise action and it removes us from presence. This talk guides us in recognizing our often unconscious attitude towards what is happening, and arriving in the unconditional presence that is the source of love, wisdom and freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2009-06-03 Four Ways That the Noble Person Speaks 1:14:24
Bhante Khippapanno
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-06-03 Aware of the Passing of Time 1:48:57
Sylvia Boorstein
No description given.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-06-02 Appreciative Joy 44:02
Shaila Catherine
Appreciative joy (sympathetic joy, mudita) is the third of four qualities called Brahma Viharas (divine abodes) which are the subjects for this 4-part lecture series. Appreciative joy is presented as an extension of the loving kindness (metta) practice. Joy refers to the ability to delight and rejoice in the success and good fortune of others. Mudita overcomes the hindrances and obstacles of conceit, comparing, envy, avarice, jealousy, aversive criticism, resentment, competitiveness, and boredom.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Four Brahma Viharas
In collection: Four Brahma Viharas

2009-06-02 Connecting With Things As They Are Because We Care 57:48
Michele McDonald
Exploring our ambivalence around connecting with things as they are and discovering and trusting the deep quiet abiding that is always here
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Loving Friendliness: Metta Retreat

2009-06-01 Natural Resources of Mindfulness 1:10:12
Ajahn Liem Thitadhammo
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-06-01 There is no separation between vipassana and ordinary daily life 53:40
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-06-01 Loving Kindness - Cultivating the Wholesome 59:24
Greg Scharf
Begins with the history of the Karaniya Metta Sutta, followed by a description of qualities and characteristics of loving kindness; and the benefits of metta.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Loving Friendliness: Metta Retreat

2009-06-01 Practicing Mindfulness Of Mind 59:22
Bhante Khippapanno
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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