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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-03-21 Spaciousness 51:22
Christina Feldman
Spaciousness, born of understanding the nature of contracted, is the climate of the heart prevaded with ease and kindness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 25th Anniversary of the Women’s Retreat

2009-03-21 Volition and The Rut of i am 46:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Generally, mind becomes tangled with concerns for the future, planning, wanting things to be completed, finished. But nothing is solid or definite; it’s never quite right. This is the First Noble Truth. In meditation we take attention off the topic to how am I handling the topic: how am I affected, does this lead to more suffering or less? Open, soften, let it travel through.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2009-03-21 A Path of Peace and Happiness 55:43
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Happiness

2009-03-20 Energies of the Heart 53:24
Marie Mannschatz
In the heart the beauty of the human spirit comes alive.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation March Month Long

2009-03-20 Unencumbered 19:12
Ayya Medhanandi
Fire is our teacher - the fire of pain, the fire of persevering through difficulty and the fire of going beyond what we think we are capable of. For we are greater that we know and our journey is one of learning to trust what is right and true. When the heart’s compassion, wisdom, and generosity mature, there is no space for fear. All the dross of the world melts away in the silence of pure presence. Here is the absolute sanctity of awareness, unencumbered, and joyous in the knowledge of pure love itself.
Ottawa Buddhist Society (Sisters of St. Joseph Convent)

2009-03-20 Opening Talk for A Path of Peace and Happiness Retreat 56:16
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House A Path of Peace and Happiness

2009-03-19 2009 Monthly Sitting Group, Month 3: How the Jhana Factors Neutralize the Hindrances, and Concentration Practice as Purification of Mind 1:13:58
Tina Rasmussen
Includes: Jhana factors overview; how hindrances relate to jhana factors; the role of sila / wholesomeness in this practice; how concentration practice leads to purification of mind; meditation instructions; and Q&A

2009-03-19 Interested Awareness 56:31
James Baraz
This is a three part series of talks on James’ basic meditation instructions: “Receive the moment with a relaxed, interested and kind awareness.”
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2009-03-19 The True Test of Wisdom 50:22
Trudy Goodman
Truthfulness Parami and what the Buddha taught is the test for wisdom - how to purify the heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation March Month Long

2009-03-19 Ice Melts 40:57
Ayya Medhanandi
We can know freedom from suffering when the light of dhamma (or truth) arises. This illumination will melt the impurities formed by unwholesome mind states. Oh, what a freedom! A talk given during a 10 day Ottawa Buddhist Society retreat at the Sisters of St. Joseph Convent, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada in 2009.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

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