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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-06-11 34. Bojjhangas Part III 56:52
Ariya B. Baumann
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Three-Month Retreat

2008-06-11 Anatta 60:10
Pamela Weiss

2008-06-11 Security In Awareness 63:25
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-11 This Is Not The Ideal 65:57
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-11 Evening Chanting In Pali 13:36
Ajahn Candasiri
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-11 Impermanence And Equanimity 56:48
Rebecca Bradshaw
This talk discusses how a deep understanding of change can lead to freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2008-06-10 Commitment & Sacrifice 12:34
Ayya Medhanandi
The meaning of the words “commitment” and “sacrifice” are spoken of in relationship to taking vows and training as an anagārikā as well as to practice as a householder. Regardless of the form we use, it is possible for each of us to find an island of refuge in ourselves. A talk given during an Ottawa Buddhist Society 10 day retreat at the Sisters of St. Joseph Convent, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada in 2008.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2008-06-10 History Of Zero 65:45
Ajahn Sumedho
Reflections on Sakkayaditthi personality view.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-10 Metta For All Conditions 61:28
Ajahn Sumedho
Contemplating Metta as unconditional love and acceptance.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-10 Exploring The Universe Within 55:19
Greg Scharf
How I came to practice – intro; followed by an exploration of the nature of mind, a description of the qualities of mindfulness as a toll for investigation and liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

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