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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2003-09-29 Roots of Buddhist Psychology IV 66:46
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-29 Seven Factors Of Enlightenment - #5 Tranquility And #6 Concentration 62:34
Marcia Rose
The enlightenment factor of tranquility, the calm serenity that begins to evolve out of the connection, interest and joy in seeing things more directly and clearly, brings a quieting of the disturbances of mind and body. Tranquility prepares the mind for deepening concentration, which is the 6th enlightenment factor. With a strengthening of moment-to-moment concentration, clarity and insight arise quite naturally.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-28 Loving Our Meditation Practice 58:18
Michele McDonald
Loving the purifying aspect of mindfulness practice and loving pure exploration.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2003-09-27 Morning Instructions, Q&A 59:06
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-27 Morning Instructions with Q&A 27:20
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-26 Generosity And Gratitude 53:13
Susan O'Brien
An exploration of two rare and precious qualities; generosity and gratitude.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2003-09-25 Dukkha 61:47
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-24 Morning Instructions 60:16
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-24 Five Hindrances 65:57
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-23 Trembling In The Armor 35:14
John Travis
Talk about fear, trust and freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-23 Finding Balance By Being Comfortable With Losing Balance 53:39
Michele McDonald
Maintaining continuity of mindfulness in our moment-to-moment experience is a tightrope of continual re-balancing as life changes. Surrendering to this process strengthens wisdom and love.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2003-09-22 Wanting It To Be Different 40:34
Anna Douglas
This talk is for those who attended the spirit of creativity retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-21 Taking the Refuges & Precepts 68:04
Joseph Goldstein
with Steve and Susan O’Brien
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-09-21 Joy And Tranquility As Enlightenment Factors 49:31
Marcia Rose
Spiritual joy-bliss-rapture makes the mind/the heart bright, light, pliable, and open. It's rooted in our practice along the way of this journey to awakening. This bright and buoyant energy of mind and body helps to inspire and sustain the effort that is needed for practicing. The bright and buoyant energy of joy, this "lightness of being", and the arising calm and quiet of a tranquil body and mind are essential aspects and fruits of this path along the way to awakening.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-20 Permission To Trust 35:08
Anna Douglas
This talk is for those who attended the spirit of creativity retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-20 Renunciation (Dhammaruwan Chant) 49:55
Michele McDonald
Facing the roots of suffering by developing kindness for ourselves and others through the practice of renunciation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2003-09-17 The Benevolent Heart & the Redheaded Woodpecker 49:20
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-15 Dukkha 35:59
Nina Wise
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-15 Investigation As A Factor Of Enlightenment 56:27
Marcia Rose
The Buddha's invitation to us is "to come and see" for ourselves what is true. Investigation is the "activity" of mindfulness. It's the activity of discernment. It illuminates the object. When things are brightly lit, what is already present is then clearly seen and known, and confusion is dissipated. "EHI PASSIKA" "Some and See" investigation is the active aspect of mindfulness. It brings a clear discernment of our body-mind experience. Investigation is what lights up the truth for us.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-13 Ig säuber u dy angere. 1:20:12
Akincano Marc Weber
Bärndütsche Vortrag über Säubstverständnis, dukkha u syner Dimensione, Lüt us de Lehrrede, u wy me cha üebe uf ungerschidleche Äbenine, über Feschthäbe und Beziehig.
Zentrum für Buddhismus - Bern

2003-09-13 Dont Try Get Anything Out Of Practice 54:23
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-09-12 The Ten Paramis 47:31
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-09-11 Letting Go - Turning to Our Nature 48:08
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-09-11 Fear 64:52
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-10 9-11, 2 years later 1:59:38
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-09 Touching the Earth 47:50
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-09-08 Roots of Buddhist Psychology III 59:43
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-08 Intimacy with the Moment 45:44
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-09-07 Foundations of Happiness and Peace 52:32
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-09-07 Mindfulness As A Factor Of Enlightenment 1:12:04
Marcia Rose
Mindfulness is needed in all instances. It has the capacity to connect with and accept whatever phenomenon is presenting itself at any of the six sense doors without judgement, evaluation or the attachment of self-identification. Mindfulness is the "mother" of all the factors of enlightenment. It offers the great intimacy with experience that is needed for the door of truth to open.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-06 Kamma, khandas, greed, hatred and delusion 57:49
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-09-03 7 Factors of Enlightenment 62:20
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-03 Liberation Through Non-Clinging 63:10
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-09-02 Sylvia, Susan Moon from BPF 60:39
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-09-02 Holding the Chalice 33:55
Ayya Medhanandi
We underestimate the power of renunciation to gain our true spiritual inheritance from the Buddha. These deeper levels of practice require not a formulaic approach but faith enough to let go the clinging that perpetuates an endless cycle of loss and suffering. On this sacred way of freedom, we walk the razor’s edge to ascend the Everest of the heart. This is no small task for a human being. But we push on with clarity, courage and insight. Holding the chalice of sanctity, we come face to face with the law of impermanence, the jewel of awakened wisdom, and the immeasurable peace of all that is pure and beautiful and true.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2003-09-01 Daily Practice 63:14
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Metta Forest Monastery

2003-09-01 Roots of Buddhist Psychology II - Fear 64:13
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-31 Patience 65:27
Sarah Doering
The parami of patience not only enables endurance of great suffering but allows compassion to flower. A Tibetan monk imprisoned for 33 years explains his strength as "the fruit of taking the teachings seriously: resist anger, be patient, and do good to others".
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-31 Trusting Your Buddha-Knowing 60:07
James Baraz
The source of our awakening is right inside us. As we learn to listen deeply to the wisdom and purity of heart that is connected to the truth we are following the Buddha's instructions to be "be a lamp unto yourself."
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-31 Trusting Your Buddha Knowing 59:36
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-30 Why Not Let Go? 45:09
Martin Aylward
Gaia House Retreat with Martin Aylward

2003-08-29 All We Want Is To Be Where We Are 54:07
Sharda Rogell
As we embody our experience fully, the idea of what we think will bring relief from our unhappiness drops away, and allows us to drop into the true source of our happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-29 Starting From Where We Are 56:48
Martin Aylward
Gaia House Retreat with Martin Aylward

2003-08-28 What Is Mindfulness 56:45
James Baraz
Why be mindful? Different aspects of mindfulness including seeing clearly and non-judging as well as benefits of mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-27 Anatta 62:28
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-23 Integrating The Practice 1:10:00
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Practicing in everyday life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-23 What Is An Experience 48:13
Christopher Titmuss
When does an experience start and finish? The story of a Jewish friend, Erica, who hid from the nazis, as a metaphor. Do we really need a story experience for our liberation?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-22 Distraction and the Nature of Mind 36:24
Shaila Catherine
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-22 Guided Metta 55:05
Narayan Helen Liebenson

2003-08-21 Waking Up In Relationship 53:37
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Learning to apply the practice to the complex world of relationship.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-21 Liberation And Enlightenment 55:31
Christopher Titmuss
Have we had an experience of liberation but have failed to realize its significance? This talk explores the relationship of enlightenment to liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-20 We're All on the Grid 52:57
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-19 1 mth & Wisdom 56:50
Joseph Goldstein

2003-08-19 Training The Heart 55:21
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Through the use of Thai Forest stories, this talk discusses ways and aspects of the importance of training the heart and taming the mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2003-08-19 What Is Worth Knowing? 45:03
Christopher Titmuss
It is worth knowing the causes and conditions for suffering; it is worth finding out what matters; it is worth knowing emptiness authentically.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-19 Faith And Wisdom 55:13
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-18 Inquiry 62:01
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2003-08-18 The Thought of I, Me and Mine 37:31
Shaila Catherine
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-18 Guided Metta 36:21
Narayan Helen Liebenson

2003-08-18 The Freedom Of The Now 50:00
Michael Grady
Letting go of the legacy of our past conditioning, and learning to connect to the present in a fresh way.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2003-08-17 The Art Of Wise Effort 54:03
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Aspects of wise effort are discussed, including reflections on unwise effort.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Foundations Of Practice

2003-08-17 Taking Refuge In The Body 44:51
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-08-16 Four Protective Reflections 61:06
Steve Armstrong

2003-08-15 Two Kinds of Love 53:24
Sarah Doering
Love, as it is ordinarily experienced in our world, leads to suffering. The leaders of the Burmese opposition party bear witness to the fact that love which has in it no attachment leads to freedom and peace.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-15 Big Sky Mind Guided Meditation 50:44
Steve Armstrong
A guided journey that encourages a tranquil and spacious mind.
Maui, Hi
In collection: Meditation

2003-08-15 Don't Take It Personally 52:25
Sharda Rogell
Desire supported by ignorance leads to narrow self-interest. Desire nourished by wisdom has the potential to change the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-12 Wise Attention III 67:27
Carol Wilson

2003-08-12 Wise Attention 3 of 3 1:12:02
Carol Wilson

2003-08-09 Respect For Suffering 15:30
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
The suffering that arises in the practice is a noble truth, something worthy of respect. You can’t just push it away. If you’re going to end suffering you have to give it space, understand it, and approach it systematically.
Metta Forest Monastery
In collection: Suffering And Its End I

2003-08-09 The World Is Swept Away 19:51
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Instead of trying to find our happiness in a world of change, we take that changing world and turn it toward the changeless, look for that which is unchanging right here, right now.
Metta Forest Monastery
In collection: Suffering And Its End I

2003-08-09 Right Where You Are 20:54
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Metta Forest Monastery
In collection: Suffering And Its End I

2003-08-09 Suffering And Its End I 56:15
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
The suffering that arises in the practice is a noble truth, something worthy of respect. You can’t just push it away. If you’re going to end suffering you have to give it space, understand it, and approach it systematically.
Metta Forest Monastery

2003-08-06 Letting Go Of Process Of Self 55:00
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-08-04 Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne 1:54:00
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-08-02 The Courage to be Happy 1:27:09
John Peacock
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-08-02 Reflections on Death 58:32
Sarah Doering

2003-08-02 Sila 62:21
Sarah Doering
Moral integrity is the absolute foundation of practice. It can be endlessly refined until it is perfected through love.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-08-01 Introductory Talk - Living with Fear 1:26:38
John Peacock
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-07-31 Four Brahmavitavas 53:35
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-07-30 Gratitude 55:33
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-07-29 Wise Attention 1 of 3 56:43
Carol Wilson

2003-07-26 The Heart Of Non-Contention And Guided Meditation 45:28
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2003-07-26 Stories Of Kuan Yin 31:25
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2003-07-26 Taking Our Practice Into Daily Life 52:42
Sharon Salzberg

2003-07-25 Four Kinds Of Happiness From Insight Meditation 64:42
Steven Smith
The four vipassana jhanas and the resulting happiness: seclusion, concentration, contentment, wisdom and equanimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-07-25 Merging Of Wisdom And Compassion 61:43
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2003-07-25 4 Foundations of Mindfulness 54:27
Myoshin Kelley
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-07-24 Mother Of The Buddhas 54:02
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2003-07-24 Opening Into The Bodhisattva Heart 50:09
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2003-07-24 Turning The Mind Toward The Dharma 57:42
Joseph Goldstein
Reflections on impermanence and karma that in the midst of our lives in the world can help turn the mind towards the Dharma, towards liberation.

2003-07-23 Waterfall Of An Unhindered Mind 44:59
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2003-07-23 A Mind Like a Deer 1:10:05
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-07-22 Well Being As A Base For Inquiry 52:55
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2003-07-22 4 Brahma Viharas 52:33
Sharon Salzberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-07-21 Mindfulness And Supporting Spiritual Virtues 66:45
Steven Smith
Introduced by gratitude to teachers and lineage. Followed by a thorough description of mindfulness and the four foundations of mindfulness. Concluded by how to support skillful states of faith and courageous energy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-07-21 Dispassion - The Foundation Of Samadhi 42:50
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2003-07-20 Balanced Effort 37:44
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2003-07-20 The 5 Hindrances 61:40
Joseph Goldstein

2003-07-20 The Five Hindrances 65:27
Joseph Goldstein

2003-07-19 Four Protective Reflections 55:29
Steve Armstrong
Skillful use of thought to support and protect practice. Cultivating commitment, tolerance, dispassion and urgency.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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