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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2002-07-21 The Buddha, Renunciation, Samadhi 46:23
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

2002-07-21 Freedom As Essence Of All Dhammas 56:09
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-21 Desire: the Driving Force of Samsara 55:56
Joseph Goldstein

2002-07-21 Desire: The Driving Force of Samsara 56:21
Joseph Goldstein

2002-07-20 Under The Rose Apple Tree 59:48
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-20 The Dissolution of Torment 45:47
Gavin Harrison

2002-07-20 Transcendent Dependent Origination 54:49
Guy Armstrong
In his teachings on dependent origination found in the Upanisa Sutta of the Samyutta Nikaya, the Buddha explained the path in such positive terms as joy, rapture, tranquillity, and happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-20 Going Forth, Fear And Monastic Life 58:02
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-07-19 A Unified Heart 40:46
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-19 Opening Talk and Refuges with Kamala and Steve 55:01
Sharon Salzberg

2002-07-19 Opening Talk 56:16
Sharon Salzberg
with Kamala Masters and Steve Armstrong

2002-07-18 The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony 43:45
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-17 The Unconditioned And The Power Of The Kuan Yin 57:11
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-17 Working with Judgments 62:43
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-17 The Equanimous Heart 54:40
Sharda Rogell
When we understand that our happiness and unhappiness depends on our actions, then we can act with intentions that are loving and generous. This is what brings about the happiness we long for.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-16 Ways Of Exploring Suffering 41:44
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-15 Shipwrecks, The Mange, And Joys Of the Path 53:15
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-15 Perfection of Wisdom 57:46
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-14 Instructions On Flexibility In Practice 43:17
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-14 When You Love Someone, Your Eyelashes Go Up And Down 47:12
Sharda Rogell
Metta practice works it's magic by reflecting back our momentary experience so we can see where we are still holding. Embracing these parts of ourselves leads us to the boundless heart of metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-13 Alchemy Of Body And Breath 45:59
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-13 A Care for the Present moment 1:33:43
Gavin Harrison

2002-07-13 Metta and the Purification of the heart 54:48
Sally Armstrong

2002-07-12 Jhana Factors 44:41
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

2002-07-08 Perfection of Energy 46:47
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-08 Reflection And Insight 34:37
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk describes the use of contemplation and reflection in the meditation practice and explains the difference between reflective and discursive thought.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula

2002-07-07 Refuge In The Triple Gem 41:52
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk includes reflections on the practical and transcendent aspects of going to the Triple Gem of refuge.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula

2002-07-05 Learning To Live In Real Time (Part Iii) 1:14:40
Larry Rosenberg
The mind is dominated by clinging to the past and the imagined future. Even the present is not experienced directly. Why do we so frequently avoid, now? What does it mean to live in real time?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Old Yogi Retreat

2002-07-04 Taming Karmic Impulses 46:58
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
As meditators, we develop the capacity to relate anew to sensory input so that we are less and less preoccupied with the content of sensations, feelings and thoughts. From this new vantage point we are more able to see the clinging that leads to suffering.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula

2002-07-04 A Positive Attitude 42:27
Corrado Pensa
Developing a positive attitude as much as we can throughout the day is an essential development of practice. Hindrances to it are explored and a few suggestions are offered.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Old Yogi Retreat

2002-07-03 Learning To Live In Real Time (Ii) 47:00
Larry Rosenberg
The mind is dominated by clinging to the past and the imagined future. Even the present is not experienced directly. Why do we so frequently avoid, now? What does it mean to live in real time?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Old Yogi Retreat

2002-07-03 Keeping the Faith 57:05
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-03 Visit with Yanai and Katherine 34:23
Sylvia Boorstein

2002-07-01 Renunciation 62:29
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-30 Not Here, Not There 34:24
Christopher Titmuss
We often make a division, a duality, between a retreat and daily life. Is there reality in this division or it is a projection of our mind?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-29 Embrace Of Suffering And 9/11 47:12
Christopher Titmuss
This talk explores issues of struggle following 9/11, ways to resolve suffering. These teachings emphasize the necessity to explore deeply our relationship to each other.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2002-06-29 Inquiry 54:25
Christopher Titmuss
Christopher engages in individual inquiry at the frong of the hall with five yogis at a retreat at spirit rock.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2002-06-29 Introduction To The Retreat, Refuges And Precepts 60:58
Larry Rosenberg
Importance of taking refuge as a ritual and as a practice in itself. The precepts cannot develop unless they're rooted in the practice and in the refuges. Basic meditation instructions and word of encouragement.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Old Yogi Retreat

2002-06-29 Responsibility 45:04
Rodney Smith
What prevents me from being responsible here and now? Be aware of superficial explanations about your circumstances or busyness. Continue to ask the question through the range of excuses. Whenever the mind stops and says, "This is the reason," pause, and ask yourself if this is true. Is your ability to hold responsibility strengthened through living this question?
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-06-29 Embrace Of Suffering And 9/11 46:40
Christopher Titmuss
This talk explores issues of struggle following 9/11, ways to resolve suffering. These teachings emphasize the necessity to explore deeply our relationship to each other.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-24 Q&A 66:26
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-24 Questions and Answers 65:53
Jack Kornfield, Ajahn Sundara, Tami Postlenik
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-23 From Self Judgement To Being Yourself 31:02
Diana Winston
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-06-22 Happiness And The Obstacles To Happiness 37:39
Rebecca Bradshaw
This talk describes how meditation leads to an increased sense of presence and acceptance in our lives. It also describes how to work with thoughts in a skillful way.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-06-17 Virtuous Heart 59:18
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-15 Seeing The Feeling In The Feeling 46:47
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

2002-06-14 Opening Kwan Yin Dharmas 54:41
Unifying wisdom and compassion, cultivating Bodhisattva Heart, use of prayer.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-14 Taking Refuge In The Dhamma (Truth) 46:42
Michele McDonald
As we learn to trust the Dhamma we learn to trust our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-06-12 Faith Practices of the Third Zen Patriarch 63:23
Sylvia Boorstein

2002-06-11 Cultivating A Peaceful Abiding Echo 30:46

2002-06-10 Generosity 66:32
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-09 Navigating Through The Darkness 47:48
Michele McDonald
Developing a taste for the truth rather than being lost in the darkness of our complicated evasions of the truth.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-06-08 Vipassana Meditation In Daily Life 46:07
Larry Rosenberg
Focus on bringing to our daily lives and relationships the same vitality, motivation and interest that characterizes our formal meditation practice.
New York Insight Meditation Center

2002-06-06 Metta & Intention 59:28
Carol Wilson

2002-06-05 Self Knowing - A Quiet Passion (6) 1:46:15
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2002-06-05 Mindfulness as Intuition Practice 1:11:29
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-05 The Essence Of Love And Wisdom 59:42
Michele McDonald
What do our hearts truly need and want? How does loving ourselves and others happen? How does the heart open the essence of love and wisdom?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-06-03 Tending the Garden of the Heart 59:33
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-06-02 Sublime Contingency 41:51
Stephen Batchelor

2002-06-02 Brahma Vihara - Metta 29:25
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-06-01 Emptiness, Empathy, & Acts 48:36
Stephen Batchelor

2002-06-01 Right Speech 2 33:12
Donald Rothberg

2002-06-01 The Nature of Cessation 57:16
Stephen Batchelor

2002-06-01 Giving Birth To Lovingkindness 54:07
Michele McDonald
Different ways that Lovingkindness practice offers us levels of protection, concentration and deep understanding.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-05-31 The Five Nama Factors, Non-grasping and Emptiness 51:11
Martine Batchelor

2002-05-31 The Nature of Fixation 61:18
Stephen Batchelor

2002-05-30 The Contingent Nature of Consciousness 59:16
Stephen Batchelor

2002-05-30 The Cultivation of Intelligence 50:26
Stephen Batchelor

2002-05-30 One Dharma 1:43:30
Joseph Goldstein
The new western Buddhism is a deep pragmatism that harkens back to the Buddha himself. It is allegiance to a very simple question: “what works to free the mind from suffering?”
New York Insight Meditation Center

2002-05-29 Memorial Day Re-dedication to Peace 58:09
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-29 Thai Forest Teachings 2:01:45
Ajahn Jamnian
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-29 Verses from the Center, Opening Talk, Meditation Instructions 52:14
Stephen Batchelor

2002-05-27 Untitled with Ajahn Jumnien 1:53:50
Jack Kornfield

2002-05-23 The Three Characteristics 55:31
Guy Armstrong
The three characteristics of existence -- impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and not-self -- summarize the state of this world as in constant dissolution. Yet, a refuge can be found in an ever-available awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-22 Three Characteristics 56:12
Adrianne Ross
How being with and understanding suffering and it's causes leads to deep insights into the nature of Anicca and Anatta. Ways of working with impermanence and "non-self" in our lives and practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-05-21 Radical Acceptance 51:34
Tara Brach
The Buddha taught that suffering arises when we want life to be different than it is. Radical acceptance cuts through grasping and aversion and reveals the freedom of our true nature.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-05-20 Buddha and the Devil 66:05
Stephen Batchelor
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-18 Opening Talk 63:10
Jack Kornfield

2002-05-18 Jack Kornfield and Others (Unknown) 65:28
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-18 Interest, attention, contact 55:20
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-05-15 Self Knowing - A Quiet Passion (5) 1:33:13
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2002-05-14 Integrity, Strength, Empowerment 59:54
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-05-13 What Do You Rest Your Heart Upon ? 51:13
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-05-13 The One Who Knows 54:18
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-12 Renunciation and Letting Go 53:50
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-05-11 Homelessness 34:50
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-05-10 If I Pay Attention, I Am Kind 69:14
Sylvia Boorstein
Recapitulation of how mindfulness works to condition the strengthening of the paramitas.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-05-08 Faith as a Spiritual Faculty 50:30
Guy Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-08 Unseating The Inner Tyrant 60:07
Ajahn Sucitto
Wholesome path factors and the obstacle to realizing them—the “inner tyrant” of critical mindset. The dwelling on suffering, rather than upon the cessation, and means of unseating this from the mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-06 Take the One Seat 65:23
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-02 Wise Speech 63:10
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-01 Feeling Our Pain 61:32
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-05-01 Others Opening Talks 62:24
Jack Kornfield

2002-05-01 Working With Difficulty 48:27
Michele McDonald
How to work skillfully with difficult body sensations, emotions, or mental states.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-29 Trusting Our Practice Of Awakening Wisdom 45:13
Michele McDonald
Practicing choosing to "show up" for our experience because we are aware that we are here to learn as much as we can spiritually. This leads to trusting our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-04-28 Closing Guided Meditation: Sharing Awareness 43:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-27 Alignment to Wholeness 1:13:23
Ajahn Sucitto
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-27 Resonance and Mindfulness 68:01
Ajahn Sucitto
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-26 Skillful Means and Pure Awareness 54:05
Amma Thanasanti
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-26 Guided Standing Meditation 46:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

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