Words like “central axis” and “periphery” help create a template for awareness of all the senses in a field rather than seizing on points or a particular sensory experience. This is citta / mind/ heart, an awareness of a psychosomatic field.
(Questions are précised and read later into the file to protect participants’ anonymity) 00:12 Q1 One-pointedness; 08:22 Q2 Can you comment on the widely taught practice of one pointed concentration; 16:31 Q3 I struggle with narratives filled with self-limiting beliefs I create in meditation and daily life. Can you help with this please?; 30:31 Q4 When do we choose open curiosity versus directed compassion or loving kindness? What is the relationship between them and their utility?
Understanding and engaging with energies we bring into a retreat can help us to be aware of and shed reactions to them. This transition is an important learning opportunity.
Regarding the aggregates of existence (form; preferences; perceiving; mental activity; knowing) as areas we can open around. Shifting from identification and ownership to just happening activities for greater freedom and well-being.
The importance of compassion in the Buddhist path. Discussion of its relationship to Metta, and a description of its near and far enemies. Examples of its applicability including in the situation in Ukraine