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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2000-01-09 Bodhicitta 1:13:47
Joseph Goldstein
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies

2000-01-08 Illusion II: Taking What Is Incapable Of Satisfying As Happiness 42:35
Rodney Smith
Happiness as most of us recognize it is the pursuit of comfort but ultimately cannot be found within the field of birth and decay.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2000-01-06 Ariyapariyesana Sutta - The Buddhist Quest For Enlightenment, Part 5 43:52
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sri Lanka BPS

2000-01-05 Compassion 44:31
Anna Douglas
Awakening the heart from its ancient slumber - what does it take? Bringing compassionate awareness into our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2000-01-03 Expanding our Capacity for Freedom 36:54
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2000-01-02 The Hindrances 64:58
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2000-01-01 Freedom From Negativity 57:45
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2000-01-01 Beginner's Mind 42:53
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-31 The Ultimate Resolution: Bodhicitta 51:06
Joseph Goldstein

1999-12-29 Resolutions Of The Heart 40:26
Rodney Smith
Learning how anger never ceases when it comes through anger.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-27 Science And The Millennium And The Four Noble Truths 52:34
Adrianne Ross
Reflections on time, medicine, healing and the Four Noble Truths.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-12-23 Ariyapariyesana Sutta - The Buddhist Quest For Enlightenment, Part 4 47:28
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sri Lanka BPS

1999-12-20 Compassion 61:14
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-12-16 Ariyapariyesana Sutta - The Buddhist Quest For Enlightenment, Part 3 43:45
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sri Lanka BPS

1999-12-15 Generosity As A Source Of Happiness 62:15
James Baraz
Why does generosity bring us joy? How can we consciously cultivate this wholesome habit that both acknowledges our interconnectedness and develops a heart that knows the power of letting go?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

1999-12-14 To End, To Begin 56:48
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

1999-12-13 Q&A 3MO Part 3 65:45
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-09 Ariyapariyesana Sutta - The Buddhist Quest For Enlightenment, Part 2 61:38
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sri Lanka BPS

1999-12-09 Wise Intention 57:03
Carol Wilson
Exploring the link between wisdom, compassion and action.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-08 Awakening Faith 56:52
Tara Brach
Training our attention to recognize what is true so we may embrace this life wholeheartedly.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-07 Spirit of Awakening 54:16
Charles Genoud
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-06 Meister Ekhart 30:04
Charles Genoud
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-06 Nature Of Mind 54:12
Joseph Goldstein
exploring the nature of consciousness, awareness and mindfulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-05 Reflections on a Pond 34:42
Charles Genoud
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-04 Pilgrimage 36:26
Charles Genoud
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-03 Being Part of it All 43:40
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-02 Passion for Being Awake 55:34
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-02 Nirvana is a Stone 37:08
Charles Genoud
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-02 Ariyapariyesana Sutta - The Buddhist Quest For Enlightenment, Part 1 54:48
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Sri Lanka BPS

1999-12-02 Anatta 60:02
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-12-02 Touching The Earth 37:08
Rodney Smith
When the Buddha touched the earth, he opened up a common touch point for us all.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

1999-12-01 A Compassionate Life 51:10
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-01 Journey within no Journey 47:53
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-12-01 Generosity-Cultivating The Inner Qualities Of Non-Clinging And Letting Go 42:41
Marcia Rose
we offer - we receive… cultivating generosity in a thousand different ways; a powerful antidote for the energies that bind us.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-11-30 Metta für schwierige Emotionen 41:41
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

1999-11-29 Flower Sermon 2.0 - Missing 1st 10 Minutes 55:35
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-11-29 The Sudden And Startling Arising Of Wisdom 56:43
Sylvia Boorstein
an unusual presentation of the seven factors of enlightenment
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-11-28 Q&A 3MO Part 2 60:39
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-27 Seeing Through Limiting Beliefs 60:12
James Baraz
Most of our confusion comes from believing the stories, such as personal history and self-image, that run through our mind. Seeing through these stories is the key to freeing the mind and opening the heart to the realization we are much greater than our limiting beliefs.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-24 Thanksgiving - Experiencing The Abundance Of Our Spirit 54:41
Tara Brach
Discovering and inhabiting our generous natures.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-23 The Process Of Awakening: Five Spiritual Faculties 59:42
James Baraz
Faith, effort, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom build on each other in a natural development. Understanding their relationship gives us a map for how the meditation process unfolds.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-11-17 The Way Of Love: Embracing Life & Death 55:13
Tara Brach
Cultivating the courage to love unconditionally.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

1999-11-13 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 4 of 4 20:27
Gavin Harrison

1999-11-13 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 3 of 4 1:33:29
Gavin Harrison

1999-11-11 Devotion To The Truth 59:29
Carol Wilson
cultivating practice with the attitude of developing a devotion to truth, rather than wanting the truth
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-10 Compassion - The Heartbeat Of The Buddha's Teaching 51:29
Marcia Rose
"May I, may you, may all beings be free from suffering." The Buddha's teachings and practices of cultivating a deep, expansive tenderness of heart, grounded in immeasurable impartiality--the heart of compassion--which transforms the way we relate to ourselves and to others. With the great strength and trust in our ability to bear witness to and face suffering, we are able to offer appropriate help in relationship to the pain, the anguish and the confusion of all beings, ourselves included.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-11-09 Nature Of Insight 59:52
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-03 The Art Of Meditation Practice 57:09
Tara Brach
Regular mindfulness and concentration can be a creative and vital ritual of daily practice that becomes essential in opening of our hearts and minds.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-11-02 Hellos And Goodbyes: "Relating To Change" 50:00
Michele McDonald
"may we be happy and peaceful and may we know things are just as they are."
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-11-01 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 2 of 4 1:23:59
Gavin Harrison

1999-11-01 The Practice of Forgiveness, Part 1 of 4 1:32:59
Gavin Harrison

1999-11-01 Appreciation As A Source Of Happiness 61:16
James Baraz
The practice of appreciation is an exercise in mindfulness, openness of heart and wisdom. Whether experience is pleasant or unpleasant, inclining our minds toward appreciation allows us to open to our joys and sorrows as valuable gifts that make each moment come alive.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

1999-11-01 Wisdom Is Our Refuge 51:07
Michele McDonald
understanding Anatta which leads to wisdom and truth as our refuge
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-10-27 Q&A 3MO Part 1 67:15
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-27 Wise Effort, Aspiration And Spiritual Freedom 65:57
Tara Brach
Energizing our spiritual unfolding with the effort to be wakeful and relaxed.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-25 Wise Surrender 55:16
Michele McDonald
using our precious human birth to learn wisdom and compassion
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-10-22 Loblied auf die Einfachheit 56:51
Ursula Flückiger
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

1999-10-15 The Four Noble Truths 56:24
Sarah Doering
These truths reveal that suffering is not a necessary part of what it means to be human.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-14 Three Trainings, Three Freedoms 56:46
Jack Kornfield
the discovery and awakening of natural integrity, stillness and transcendent wisdom
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-10-14 Begging Bowl Heart- Mind 51:18
Michele McDonald
living our lives as an alms round
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-10-13 The Secret Name of Things 61:21
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-13 Perpendicular Universe 39:04
Rodney Smith
we live in our imaginary world at the expense of an all encompassing now.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-10-13 Forgiveness - Freeing Our Heart To Love Fully - part 1 51:03
Tara Brach
Reflecting on forgiveness and the ways to open and heal our hearts by releasing the burdens that keep us contracted and heavy.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-11 Doubt, Impatience And Trust 52:48
Michele McDonald
How to work with resistance to aversion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-10-10 The Suffering That Comes With Wanting 61:11
Joseph Goldstein
different kinds of desire, investigating the nuances of the wanting mind
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-09 Using The Hindrances As Allies 59:35
Phillip Moffitt
The hindrances are mental states that obstruct our ability to practice. In various distinct ways, they disrupt concentration and distort awareness so that when they occur we are unable to see things as they are. These states bring challenges yet as our practice deepens and matures, they in fact become allies on the path.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-10-05 The Great Perfection: The Taste Of Freedom 61:08
Tara Brach
Realizing emptiness and radiant wakefulness by investigating the nature of self. Includes a quided mediation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: The Great Perfection

1999-10-04 The Courage To Swim Upstream 54:19
Michele McDonald
the courage it takes to face the truth that we never know what is going to happen
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-10-03 Journey of the Heart 47:24
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-10-03 Love And Fear 58:40
Tara Brach
Facing and transforming the fear that armors our heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-10-02 Who Am I ? 52:53
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-10-01 Foundations of Happiness 48:26
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-10-01 The Teachings Of All The Buddhas 56:07
Joseph Goldstein
the Buddha's compassionate advice on avoiding the ten unwholesome actions
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-28 The Hindrances 54:48
Sarah Doering
A discussion on the five disturbing energies which obstruct concentration.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-27 Transformative Moments 49:40
Michele McDonald
the nuts and bolts of insight and the transforming moments.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1999 Three Month Retreat

1999-09-26 The Four Noble Truths And The Four Practices Of Mindfulness 56:34
Jack Kornfield
given at the first annual People of Color retreat at the Spirit Rock. The Noble Truths with a perspective on diversity
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-09-25 Turning the Mind Towards Dharma 59:19
Joseph Goldstein

1999-09-24 Entering into the Eight Fold Path - Opening Talk with Steven Smith 49:35
Sarah Doering
Includes self on five precepts: refuge and refuge chanting and precept.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-23 Renunciation 50:56
Guy Armstrong
simplicity of action shows the roots of suffering
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-09-15 Focus Of Vipassana Practice 1:17:41
Ajahn Amaro
At the end of our search, there is nothing more to do but rejoice in being the knowing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-14 Non Meditating 1:15:30
Ajahn Amaro
Genuine acceptance of our experiences means a spaciousness and ease around even the most difficult states that allows for their transformation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-14 Fully Alive- Awakening Through Embodiment 61:27
Tara Brach
The Buddha's teachings on mindfulness begin with mindfulness of our body. By cultivating embodied awareness, we develop the capacity for presence and awakening through all realms of experience.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

1999-09-14 Essential Dhamma #5: Anatta 1:12:09
Steve Armstrong
what is not "I", "me", "mine"?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-13 Cessation Of Consciousness II 55:35
Ajahn Amaro
A continued follow up of Q and A, from the Cessation of Consciousness I talk.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-13 Essential Dhamma #4: Four Noble Truths 60:44
Steve Armstrong
Dukkha: pain unsatisfactoriness, vulnerability; craving: the cause; nibbana: the cessation; morality, concentration and wisdom: the path.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-12 Cessation Of Consciousness I Followed By Q And A 58:16
Ajahn Amaro
Suffering results from a confused relationship of the mind to its own experience; when we see the way things actually are, we connect with a profound freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-12 Essential Dhamma #3: The Good Fortune Of Mindfulness 60:46
Steve Armstrong
the essential dhamma
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-11 The Place Of Non Abiding II Followed By Q And A 51:16
Ajahn Amaro
Learning to recognize moments of isness, or pure, open presence in our quiet, often overlooked moments when no sense of self has arisen.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-11 Essential Dhamma #2: Three Pillars Of Dhamma 59:48
Steve Armstrong
generosity, ethical conduct, mental development
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-10 The Place Of Non Abiding I 57:18
Ajahn Amaro
Exploring the spaciousness of mind that comes when we let go of our belief in the solidity of the sense world, when we know the mind as the space in which all this drama is happening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-10 Essential Dhamma #1: Three Refuges 49:48
Steve Armstrong
taking refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha provides a safe haven in which to weather the storms of life by providing emotional support, a teaching, guiding ideas and a sacred resolve to realize the potential to awaken within each one of us
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-09 Ultimate And Conventional Reality 52:56
Ajahn Amaro
Can we live with respect and compassion within the world of form, while understanding its ultimate insubstantiality? Can we remember the truth of emptiness while the world of appearances is so compelling? How can we do both at once?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-09 The Buddha's Prescription For Happiness: Seven Factors Of Enlightenment 57:18
James Baraz
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment are mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, calm, concentration and equanimity. When brought to fruition they lead to the highest happiness we can experience. How can we cultivate these qualities consciously in our meditation practice and in our life?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Foundations Of Practice

1999-09-08 Shining the Light of Death on Life, Part 10 1:29:43
Larry Rosenberg

1999-09-06 The Five Spiritual Powers 65:27
Sarah Doering
These five qualities of heart and mind lead to understanding and love without limits.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-06 Wise Livelihood 52:18
Jack Kornfield

1999-09-05 The Process Of Awakening: Five Spiritual Faculties 60:37
James Baraz
Faith, effort, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom build on each other in a natural development. Understanding their relationship gives us a map for how the meditation process unfolds.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-04 Remarkable Self 49:01
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-09-03 Dharma Gates 54:44
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-09-02 Mudita: The Joy Of Appreciation 57:33
Fred Von Allmen
Gaia House Retreat with Fred Von Allmen

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