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Dharma Talks
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2022-07-07 Working with Hindrances to Mettā Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 49:25
Tempel Smith
As we practice mettā meditation we will have waves where the practice feels easy, intuitive and validating; and we will all have waves where we struggle. There are five very common states which visit us in meditation practice called the "five hindrances". These are commonly named in English as craving, aversion, dullness, restlessness, and doubt. For steady mettā practice our first response to these challenges is to practice more carefully with patience determination. The second response is to offer ourselves kindness and compassion during challenging times. For mettā meditation and for the other three brahmaviharas, our third response to challenging times is to turn wakefully towards the qualities of the challenge and see them as only temporary conditions. We can greatly reduce the experience of suffering in the hindrances when we have mindful experience of them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Lovingkindness Retreat

2022-07-06 Simple Mettā Breathing and Body Awareness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:03
Tempel Smith
There are so many ways to practice formal mettā (loving kindness) meditation, and they all benefit from a relaxed mind and body. The proximal cause for samadhi (concentration) to arise is from a deepening sense of happiness, calm, and contentment. Many practitioners are drawn to use will and force to concentrate their attention, and this leads to agitation, frustration, and fatigue. With mettā breathing and body awareness we can cultivate the ease so useful for our hindrances to subside.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Lovingkindness Retreat

2022-06-23 Guided meditation - cultivation of goodwill 45:48
Ajahn Sucitto
Using breath we fill a bubble that is almost an aspect of our body, allowing it to diffuse as we exhale. We release the unneeded and bring in what is needed - lightness, warmth or freshness, humour. We allow goodwill to manifest, just this. (En utilisant la respiration, nous remplissons une bulle qui est presque un aspect de notre corps, lui permettant de se diffuser lorsque nous expirons. Nous libérons l'inutile et apportons ce qui est nécessaire - légèreté, chaleur ou fraîcheur, humour. Nous permettons à la bonne volonté de se manifester, juste cela. )
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

2022-06-16 Guided Mettā, Gratitude, Anattā Practice 40:08
Nathan Glyde
Very Windy Conditions
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland In Our Best Interests

2022-06-15 Mettā to Sensations 44:33
Zohar Lavie
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland In Our Best Interests

2022-06-14 Mettā to Easy & Neutral Relationships (Sparsely Guided) 44:25
Nathan Glyde
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland In Our Best Interests

2022-06-13 Sharing Mettā with An Easy Relationship, Oneself, and All 44:26
Zohar Lavie
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland In Our Best Interests

2022-06-12 Building Mettā Sensitivity from An Easy Connection 42:03
Nathan Glyde
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland In Our Best Interests

2022-06-10 Metta Introduction 37:26
Walt Opie
A brief definition of metta or loving-kindness, followed by some stories and an introduction to the practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Establishing Awareness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2022-05-30 Metta for Self (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 38:01
James Baraz
Sometimes the hardest person to send metta to is oneself. This guided meditation invites us to see ourselves through a loved one's eyes to see who we really are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy and Wellbeing

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