Dharma Talks
Ajahn Amaro
Questions are précised - 00:08 Q1 You said arahants can feel happiness without attachment, also that happiness is a suffering in disguise, and that it also comes from giving. Are these all different forms of happiness? 05:47 Q2 I’ve read a lot of Persian poetry especially Attar of Nishapur and Rumi. There, I read that “desire” for union pushes you forward and is actually the path to liberation. But the Second Noble Truth says that we have to get rid of desire / craving. Can you speak to this please? 15:01 Q3 Frequently I find that some annoying behavior by friends that I think I have processed and let go of returns if, for example, they renew their teasing at a future meeting. 19:18 Q4 Whatever we see or experience has happened sometime back. It seems we don’t partake of anything that happens around us. This is discomforting. Can you comment please? 27:13 Q5 Can you speak about how Mahayana and Theravada look at the idea of the second turning of the wheel. 34:00 Q6 What is the difference between the two types of concentration the Buddha had, one when he was studying with his two teachers and his experience under the tree watching his father?
Deer Park Institute
Sakkāydițțhi — ‘Self-View’, the First Obstacle to Enlightenment
Papañca (proliferation)
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation of awareness of the messy mind, being aware of consciousness brings fearlessness. Dhamma talk on papañca with reference to The Honey Cake sutta MN18 and Concept and Reality by Ven. Ñāṇananda's analysis of MN18 16.1. How venerable Kaccāna presents a sequence where the self slowly emerges, creating the person who then is beset by papañca; nouns turn to verbs.
Lokanta Vihara
Ajahn Amaro
Questions are précised - 00:12 Q1 My practice of forgiveness turns into shame when I consider how I ever did that to that person. 08:58 Q2 I have had a health ailment for about a decade and there are moments of deep pain. I’ve gone past “Why me?” but I find I am very angry. I also find I easily dismiss other people’s pain. 20:51 Q3 Can you explain more about the difference between Dhammaniyāmatā and the Idappaccayatā? 29:27 Q4 What’s your view on euthanasia? Also – how can we plan to live in a commune rather than a hospice as we age? 40:05 Q5 What about organ donation? 43:40 Q6 What is euthanasia and what is taking active steps to expedite death? And what about people who decide not to continue treatment that prolongs life? 47:28 Q7 What about palliative care? 49:00 Q8 Are there any residential retreat places for parents with their children? I struggle with leaving my child alone and the problem of child care. 50:34 Q9 Regarding the old lady who came to Ajahn Chah for advice, [it seems like she was advised to practice] anatta. 55:34 Q10 That which is observing the five khandas, is that called dhamma itself?
Deer Park Institute
Sakkāydițțhi — ‘Self-View’, the First Obstacle to Enlightenment