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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-03-30 Wise Compassion and its Near Enemies 43:13
Betsy Rose
Compassion (karuna) is an upwelling of tenderness and care in response to suffering. This beautiful quality of the heart has some "near enemies" that disguise as wise care, but cause our good intended words and actions to fall short, or even do more harm, to us and others. With song and story, this talk explores examples of near misses, and offers practices that allow wise compassion to emerge.
Assaya Sangha

2022-03-30 Liberating Invitation of Equanimity 56:35
Jeanne Corrigal
Equanimity is seen as the crown of our practice: it is the final parami, as well as the final quality in many other central lists in the Buddhist teaching. We will explore this quality and its liberating invitation this week.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Wednesday Night Talks: The Parami (2021-2022)

2022-03-30 Dharma Talk 47:31
Martine Batchelor
The Ten Ox Herding Pictures
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-30 Morning Pt 2 - Lightly Guided Meditation. Teachings - Practicing with Two Questions. 29:53
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House A Seon Questioning and Listening Retreat

2022-03-30 Reflections after Returning from Four Weeks on Retreat 68:28
Donald Rothberg
A few days after returning from four weeks on retreat at Spirit Rock, Donald reflects on a number of themes related to his retreat, including: the importance of retreat (as well as short periods of meditation) and getting away, if possible, from everyday demands and busyness; the centrality of noticing habitual tendencies and patterns; opening to the unknown and the mysterious; attending to what surfaces, including difficult material, deep aspirations, and insights; the importance of exploring "non-doing" in meditation and activities, and an opening to what is larger than oneself; and taking everything as part of a path of learning.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-03-30 Getting off the Chessboard of Life 43:45
Ajahn Sucitto
Our practice comes down to building up Path factors. Building up skills of integrity, loving-kindness, clarity of mind, and calm in order to be able to fruitfully meet dukkha. Clearing the ground, so citta is properly fed and encouraged to meet where the sense of self, the identification experience, comes to light – then citta can speak from its depth.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

2022-03-29 Guided Sit--Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 66:52
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Meeting Life with Awareness and Wisdom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:42
Mark Coleman
How to practically Meet Life with Awareness and Wisdom through mindfulness practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Morning sit with Instruction (Retreat at Sprit Rock) 57:37
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living with Awareness Retreat

2022-03-29 Stop the Mind, Bring Forth the Heart 50:51
Ajahn Sucitto
The mind is affected by the world of sense consciousness – creates boundaries and generates a self. But what’s to be cultivated is the unconditioned where those limitations and differentiations don’t exist. Relax the boundaries with the practice of goodwill. Incline towards harmony, respect, integrity, and paying careful attention, for your welfare and the welfare of others. This is an end to our proliferations.
Cittaviveka 2022 Cittaviveka Winter Retreat Closing Group Practice

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