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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-04-07 Clear Comprehension: The Buddha's Teaching on Four Different Elements of Practice 48:53
James Baraz
This talk explores the topic of Clear Comprehension (sampajañña in Pali) a powerful Dharma teaching on four different aspects of practice. In the Satipatthana Sutta the Discourse on the Four Foundation of Mindfulness, with regard to each foundation, the Buddha says the following: "Here, bhikkhus (practitioners), a bhikkhu (practitioner) lives contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful, having overcome, in this world, covetousness and grief..." Clear comprehension means more than just having bare attention. Understanding and applying these four facets of Clear Comprehension can support a real deepening of our Dharma practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2022-04-07 Dharma Talk : "From Either-Or" to "Neither-Nor" 49:16
Kirsten Kratz
The teachings on the Middle Way, in their different expression, all point to a dynamic, responsive balance that aims to avoid skewing to any side of a perceived polarity. They do not imply a "being stuck in the middle", nor do they promise that we can eventually find a place to land, settle and discover freedom in taking a side in any duality. The teachings on the Middle Way keep us on our feet, questioning, opening, refining. They reveal and offer the liberating perception of "Neither-Nor".
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

2022-04-07 Guided Meditation: No Preference 43:24
Kirsten Kratz
A guided meditation inviting us to be wth our experience without aversion or clinging, staying open to whatever is arsing in our awareness. Acknowledging that at times we identify and then soldify and even calcify around a position or way of seeing, we explore if it is possible to engage and take a clear ethical stance, without falling into the trap of extreme polarisation. Attending to experience in this way can potentially soften, calm, and mute our habitual reactions.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

2022-04-07 Instructions & Lightly Guided Meditation 51:03
Jaya Rudgard
Feeling tone (vedana), reactivity and spaciousness.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

2022-04-07 Guided Meditation: Joy 61:10
Oren Jay Sofer
A guided meditation beginning with a reflection on gratitude, opening to joy, and then cultivating Mudita - joy in the happiness of others.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States

2022-04-07 Guided meditation exploring generosity 46:11
Jill Shepherd
A brief introduction to generosity as the foundation of this path of practice, then exploring generosity as support for skillful mental qualities to arise
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022

2022-04-06 Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart 22:00
Tara Brach
Especially when we’re stressed, we need pathways to an allowing, kind presence. This meditation guides us to relax and open through our bodies, and then meet changing waves of experience with a sea of awareness that is intrinsically allowing and tender.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-04-06 Relationships – from Reactivity to Rechoosing Love 51:38
Tara Brach
Most of us have habitual ways we create separation from others. This talk takes a look at the roots of our emotional reactivity and ways our meditation practice can foster more loving connection in our lives.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-04-06 Dharma Talk: The Experience of "Selfing" - Finding a Middle Way. 45:35
Jaya Rudgard
How can we navigate through the extremes we encounter in experiencing and perceiving "ourself"? Can we let all parts belong, none of it ‘me’ or ‘not me’ ?
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

2022-04-06 Instructions & Guided Meditation 53:01
Jaya Rudgard
Softening the mind's tendency to polarise: the cultivation of friendliness and good will as an antidote to reactivity.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

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