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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-02-15 18 reflection and standing meditation 43:19
Jill Shepherd
Reflecting on the day's themes and practices of mindfulness of the body and dharma confidence, exploring these through the practice of standing meditation
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-15 17 talk: Confidence 45:53
Gil Fronsdal
Exploring the third of the three conditions that support insight: confidence, or dharma confidence
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-15 Mudita Practice 48:27
James Baraz
Mudita for a friend who is having great happiness, self, benefactor, and neutral categories
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-15 La relation à ce qui se passe 51:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2022-02-15 16 instructions: mindfulness of the body 9:39
Gil Fronsdal
Exploring how body sensations can be an early warning system that reactivity is taking over; and the benefits of bringing mind and body into harmony with each other
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-15 15 meditation: mindfulness of the body 46:38
Gil Fronsdal
Progressing from mindfulness of breathing to mindfulness of the body, bringing awareness to physical sensations
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-15 Guided: Returning to 1st and 2nd Foundations of Mindfulness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:07
Tempel Smith
After receiving many dharma talks and and expanding mindfulness into the 3rd and 4th Foundations of mindfulness, it is important to intentionally return every now and then to 1st and 2nd foundations of mindfulness. This keeps us grounded in the body as a continual pillar of our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-14 The Path of Awakening with the 7 Factors (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:06
JD Doyle
The Buddhist teachings on the 7 factors of awakening guide us on the our path. The awakening factors of mindfulness, curiosity, energy, joy, tranquility, gathered mind, and equanimity are supports for the gradual training of the heartmind. Developing the sense of trust in the path and the support of discernment in meeting each moment with kindness and wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-14 Buddhist Studies Course: Liberating the Heart with Goodwill, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equanimity, Week 6 – Meditation 29:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Liberating the Heart with Goodwill, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equanimity

2022-02-14 Buddhist Studies Course: Liberating the Heart with Goodwill, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equanimity, Week 6 – Talk 36:58
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course: Liberating the Heart with Goodwill, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equanimity

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