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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2022-06-21 Q&A 20:23
Ajahn Sucitto
00:00 Q1 Where do energies come from? Do these drive evolution and the origin of life? 01:16 Q2 In walking meditation do we have to keep walking back and forth. 13:10 Q3 The days start alright but I accumulate the detritus of thinking through the day. What to do?
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

2022-06-04 Sitting and Walking Meditation Instructions 53:01
Yanai Postelnik, Leela Sarti
Gaia House Practising with Earth - Awakening to our Ground

2022-03-19 Morning Pt 2 – Being Worthy of Love 32:16
Alan Lewis
Teachings - meeting our experience with honesty and inquiry, letting our experience be painful. This recording also includes a short teaching on 'walking with awareness' (walking meditation) led by Laura Bridgman.
Gaia House Settling with What Is

2022-03-01 The Frame Around Insight Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:52
Winnie Nazarko
This talk was offered at a month long insight meditation retreat, where most of the day is devoted to sitting and walking practice. The discussion acknowledges and explicitly points out the larger framework within which these meditations are done. It briefly reviews the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path, especially focusing on Mundane Wise View and Wise Intention. These place in context, and inform, why and how these practices support the heart/mind in finding release.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-02-13 Generosity as a Living Liberation Practice 57:21
Jeanne Corrigal, Susie Harrington
Sunday morning instruction and meditation begins with generosity as a living liberation practice of non-clinging, and moves to a guided sit in generosity toward the self (Jeanne). This sit ends with guided instruction in walking with an attitude of offering generosity (Susie).
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Gratitude and Generosity: Realizing the Abundant Heart

2022-02-12 Gratitude in the Pleasant and in Embodied Presence 45:29
Jeanne Corrigal
Saturday afternoon guided practice in gratitude for subtle pleasant experiences and in the importance of supporting our meditation through noticing these pleasant states. The sit ends with a guided meditation and walking instruction in experiencing the body through the senses. (Jeanne)
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Gratitude and Generosity: Realizing the Abundant Heart

2022-02-12 Gratitude as Reciprocal Relationship 55:32
Susie Harrington, Jeanne Corrigal
Saturday morning dharmette in gratitude and generosity as a reciprocal relationship, rather than a transactional relationship, followed by a guided meditation in the refuges as gratitude practices. (Susie) The sit ends with walking instructions and encouragement to sense the body as a support for the embodied gratitude of being present. (Jeanne)
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Gratitude and Generosity: Realizing the Abundant Heart

2021-12-31 05 instructions: standing and walking meditation 11:59
Jill Shepherd
The importance of continuity of mindfulness, plus instructions for standing and walking meditation
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2021-09-26 4 - Intro to Walking Meditation 4:32
Jake Dartington
London Insight Meditation Jake Dartington - Embodying Compassion

2021-09-19 Reflections on Compassion; More on Walking Meditation and Compassion 23:05
Laura Bridgman
This recording also includes Ajahn Jutindharo.
Gaia House Exploring the Brahmaviharas: Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

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