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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-12-22 Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (22:23 min.) 0:00
Tara Brach
(Recording not available) 
Loving presence is an innate capacity, and it can be cultivated. This meditation begins with a scan arousing a relaxed tender presence in the body, then brings loving attention to our inner life, and in widening circles, to our world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-12-22 Loving Ourselves into Healing – Part 2 52:40
Tara Brach
We are often at war with our difficult emotions—judging and hating ourselves for our fear, anger, clinging or shame. And as a society, we turn on others as lesser or bad, as the enemy. These talks explore how, in both domains, our continued evolution, healing and freedom depends on learning how to embrace what we have pushed away.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-12-22 One Wild, Precious Life 36:39
Betsy Rose
This season is full of holidays! There is Solstice, celebrating the rebirth of the sun after the longest darkest night. There is Hanukah, celebrating the mystery of enduring, impossible light protecting the sacred. And there is Christmas, honoring the birth of the prophet and teacher Jesus (often called “The Light of the World”). Betsy reflects on the miracle of being born at all, against impossible odds, and how we are shaped by the causes and conditions we are born into. Darkness and Light, Joyful Existence and Dukkha- we’ll celebrate the whole mess!
Assaya Sangha

2021-12-22 Peace On Earth and Good Will Toward Men 1:31:01
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-12-22 Guided Meditation - All Things Converge upon Feeling 49:28
Ajahn Sucitto
Establish mindfulness with the experience of a feeling body, the most fundamental source of feeling. Use a wide form of attention that covers the whole body. As phenomena are changing the mind is still with receptivity and deep listening. The nature of sati doesn’t react to feeling. The feeling can be felt, without blaming, criticizing or getting involved. When feeling isn’t given any more food, it becomes more equanimous.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-12-22 The World Is Burning: Transforming Reactivity into Presence 53:42
Heather Sundberg
This talk explores the Fire Sermon taught by the Buddha and offers reflections and 5 somatic practices which help us transform reactivity into freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light" with Heather Sundberg, Oren Jay Sofer, SEP and Dawn Scott

2021-12-22 Guided Meditation with Instructions for Working with Emotions 57:33
Heather Sundberg
Instructions and Guided Meditation describe 4 ways of practicing with Emotions: 1. Label it 2. Feel the Emotion in the Body 3. Space as a Support 4. Noticing the emotion changes
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light" with Heather Sundberg, Oren Jay Sofer, SEP and Dawn Scott

2021-12-22 Morning Reflection: Balancing Sensitivity and Safety 59:05
Mark Nunberg
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2021

2021-12-21 Appreciating Equanimity 50:59
Mark Nunberg
Equanimity can develop into a radiant and powerful balance of heart and mind that provides both a taste of freedom and clarifies the path of practice. Equanimity arises both by learning to recognize and abide with any wholesome experience of wellbeing, and by the deepening insight into the transitory, ephemeral nature of all things leading onward to dispassion
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2021

2021-12-21 Winter Solstice: Beginning Again with Meditation 64:23
Brian Lesage
This talk offers reflections on honoring the Winter Solstice through beginning our path again with preliminary instructions on Insight meditation. The talk is followed by a 30 minute guided meditation.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

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