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Dharma Talks
2021-11-05 Unsurpassed Is the Protection of the Dhamma 22:59
Ayya Medhanandi
Impermanence stares us in the face. How then can we free ourselves to understand the raw truth of what we are? There is a sorrowless state, a way out of the pains of life where we can abide in blameless happiness and inviolable peace. It may appear elusive and out of reach. Yet we need only incline our minds faithfully to giving up all that is false, divisive, fearful or fragile. We begin to know the joy that subdues all sorrow. One taste of that and we are on the Path, sheltered in the unsurpassed protection of the Dhamma.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2021-11-05 Vitakka - Vicara 63:07
Tuere Sala
Understanding the importance of Vitakka and Vicara in navigating the floods of the mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2021-11-05 Metta 49:11
Caroline Jones
Exploring aspects of Metta such as belonging and homecoming and some ways to cultivating metta (goodwill / loving-kindness)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 2021

2021-11-05 Guided meditation on letting go, Dhamma talk about sisters 1:40:44
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Meditation on letting go guided by Bhante Akāliko. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato about sisters: Mahāpajāpati and Māyā – the Buddha's mother and aunt/stepmother. Bhaddā as the first nun.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-11-05 Begehren erkennen 34:25
Ayya Santacitta
Geführte Meditation | Aloka-Dharma-Zoom
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2021-11-05 Rechte Absicht ~ Intention integriert Rechte Ansicht in unser Leben 33:54
Ayya Santacitta
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2021-11-04 Evening Dharma Talk #1: The Nature of Samadhi and Samatha Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:12
Donald Rothberg
We explore further the nature of samadhi and samatha practice, cultivating samadhi, pointing to the importance of samadhi and samatha practice, the different ways of practicing, and some of the challenges of such practice. We identify five main challenges and suggest some of the ways of working with the challenges.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Settling, Seeing, and Luminous Awareness

2021-11-04 Showing Up for Reality with Humility and Grace: Terry Patten's Last Teaching 50:16
James Baraz
Beloved Philosopher, Teacher and Sacred Activist Terry Patten sadly passed away a few days before this talk. His last book, A New Republic of the Heart, is an inspiring teaching on how to face the global crises we are in. As he went through his own final journey he shared how one can face death with courage, wonder, grace and trust. It was a blueprint for how to meet the pain and sorrow of the world with those same qualities. This talk includes a powerful, clear, deeply moving clip excerpt of Terry's last teaching a week before he passed plus some of his teachings that have touched so many.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2021-11-04 Noble Giving Means Giving Oneself 58:18
Ajahn Sucitto
The quality of dāna, giving, is not dependent on materiality or even a charitable obligation. It’s a Dhamma practice that makes you stronger than you thought you were – it brings up your nobility. It’s a privilege to give because it makes you glad, and so the enlightenment factors arise in the mind. For the one receiving, giving brings forth integrity – one wants to live up to the offering. This is the dāna principle; everybody wins. This dāna is a step on the Path to awakening.

2021-11-04 Loving Kindness For Ourselves And Others 52:23
Brian Lesage
This talk includes a guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

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