The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Citta als Absicht und Gestaltungskraft unseres Lebens.
Yuka Nakamura
Citta - unser Herzgeist - hat neben seiner empfindsamen, rezeptiven Seite auch eine aktive, gestaltende Seite. Jede Absicht, die wir formen und in Gedanken, Worten oder Taten umsetzen, hat eine Wirkung und trägt zu unserem Glück oder Leiden bei. Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, dass wir lernen, zwischen heilsamen und unheilsamen Absichten zu unterscheiden und bewusst die heilsamen Absichten und Geisteszustände zu kultivieren. Geistesschulung bedeutet, dass wir unheilsame Gewohnheitstendenzen nicht weiter füttern und stattdessen heilsame Tendenzen stärken. Dadurch formen wir uns selbst und unser Leben.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg
Leave Your Shoes at the Door
Ayya Medhanandi
Let faith be our foundation for a mindfulness that never tires of examining how we are within us. We may eat well, dress well, and look good but what is the real state of the mind? Day by day, finding safety in virtue, aware of the right qualities that direct, protect, and teach us to root out unworthy habits, let us harvest the profound joy and goodness of this life. It’s not how much we work or gain but how well we honour the noble Dhamma as servants of selflessness and human kindness.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
Love Serve Remember
James Baraz
The title of the evening is "Love, Serve, Remember". On October 13th, Spirit Rock hosts a special event Celebrating Ram Dass: Love Serve, Remember with Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, Krishna Das and others. Those three words were the instructions Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass' guru gave to him: "Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, and Remember God."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind
Tara Brach
Collecting, unifying and opening the mind, we begin with a listening attention, noticing sounds that are here. Relaxing open and letting sounds wash through. With the same receptivity to sounds, listen to and feel the aliveness of the body. Listening to the breath as if you’re listening to the voice of a quiet loved one – really close in, tender attention – and including the background sounds. Not pushing away anything – a very open and relaxed, receptive attention.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC