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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-09-27 Guided Metta: Appreciation as a Dharma Door 34:19
Beth Sternlieb
Big Bear Retreat Center Love and Rest

2024-09-27 Relaxing the Body and Mind 45:20
Matthew Brensilver
Big Bear Retreat Center Love and Rest

2024-09-26 Wisdom Teachings From Nature 55:58
Mark Coleman
The natural world beautifully and eloquently sings the Dharma. there are countless wisdom teachings emanating from nature. In particular, we explore how nature teaches us about impermanence, dependent arising, perfection and imperfection and belonging.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awake in the Wild: September 2024

2024-09-26 Four Contemplations that Turn the Mind toward the Dharma 45:07
Beth Sternlieb
Big Bear Retreat Center Love and Rest

2024-09-26 Metta for Self 33:14
Matthew Brensilver
Big Bear Retreat Center Love and Rest

2024-09-26 Noble Rescue 24:25
Ayya Medhanandi
How can we rescue ourselves from the obstacles to our happiness? We must not disregard the power of awareness in the present moment to vanquish suffering. For in this very moment is everything we need to know. All moments, whether tainted or blessed, are conditioned by their predecessor. Without care and discernment, vigilance and integrity, we could easily fall into states of decline. Ill-will begets enmity, while joy begets ease and serenity, and each moment is the mother of the next. So too, stepping into the joys of life as it unfolds, we live by the best qualities we can reap. One bare insight into truth and we know what we truly are. Then we open the gates to the Deathless.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2024-09-26 Mindfulness of the Body 56:24
Beth Sternlieb
Big Bear Retreat Center Love and Rest

2024-09-26 Like an Instrument with Sarah Marie Hopf 52:45
James Baraz
How might you let Life play you like an instrument? In this talk James shares the evening with Sarah-Marie Hopf, a good friend, dedicated practitioner, coach and meditation teacher who shares about her journey of progressively deepening trust in the dharma and our True Nature and opening to what wants to flow effortlessly from the mystery into form. Becoming an unexpected singer-songwriter, she shares the origin story of her first album “Modern Mantras” which was inspired by songs that came through her spontaneously during a month long Spirit Rock retreat.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2024-09-25 Guided Meditation: Resting in Knowing 20:57
Tara Brach
Behind the activity of thinking, and the ever-changing flow of sounds, sensations and feelings, there is a great and awake silence that holds all that unfolds. This space of awareness is our formless essence. Learning to open and rest into this alert, knowing vastness has the blessings of homecoming.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-09-25 The Sacred Work of Bridging Divides – Teachings from Roshi Joan Halifax and Tara Brach 64:50
Tara Brach
There is no more relevant exploration than how we awaken to our connection as family, as belonging to this precious web of life. In their talks, Tara and Roshi Joan look at the cause of divides and their healing through wise contemplation, courageous engagement and the power of imagination. Each lead short reflections that help us bring our own hearts and spirit into this sacred work.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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