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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2002-09-23 The Four Guardian Meditations 43:15
Michele McDonald
How the four guardian meditations bring about protection, refuge, inspiration and aspiration for liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2002-08-24 Metta: Meditation of Compassion 23:43
Michele Benzamin Miki

2002-08-16 Guided Metta Meditation 43:11
Narayan Helen Liebenson

2002-08-12 Meditation in Daily Life 37:54
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-08-12 Guided Metta Meditation 1 42:04
Narayan Helen Liebenson

2002-08-09 Tibetan Meditation 1:20:28
John Peacock
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-07-27 Guided Meditation 19:52
Joseph Goldstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-07-08 Reflection And Insight 34:37
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk describes the use of contemplation and reflection in the meditation practice and explains the difference between reflective and discursive thought.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula

2002-06-29 Introduction To The Retreat, Refuges And Precepts 60:58
Larry Rosenberg
Importance of taking refuge as a ritual and as a practice in itself. The precepts cannot develop unless they're rooted in the practice and in the refuges. Basic meditation instructions and word of encouragement.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Old Yogi Retreat

2002-06-22 Happiness And The Obstacles To Happiness 37:39
Rebecca Bradshaw
This talk describes how meditation leads to an increased sense of presence and acceptance in our lives. It also describes how to work with thoughts in a skillful way.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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