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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-12-14 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 14 2020 16:11
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-14 Meditation: Breath Love In Breath Love Out | Monday Night Talk 24:18
Jack Kornfield
Meditation is an invitation in this moment’s practice to turn our attention to our body, heart and mind. Begin to pay attention to this mysterious human incarnation. Feel how your body is breathing itself… you don’t have to do anything. Add metta or lovingkindness to each breath. With each breath in, fill your body and being with lovingkindness for yourself. With each breath out, sense you are sending love out to the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-12-14 Q and A: Rekindle and Renew | Monday Night talk 26:36
Jack Kornfield
Q and A from 12-14-2020 Monday Night Dharma Talk Rekindle and Renew
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-12-13 Guided Mettā to Neutral Relationship 45:17
Zohar Lavie
Spreading mettā to a being from an easy relationship, to self, being from a more neutral relationship and outward to all beings
Gaia House Mettā and Insight

2020-12-13 Untangle the Entangled 48:05
Nathan Glyde
Exploring meeting the hindrances in skilful ways. Firstly seeing them as wonderful opportunities for growth and development of heart. Secondly not taking them personally, not fully believing what they say (shape) about the world. And thirdly finding skilful means through mettā, insight, and samādhi practices to find well-being in the midst of the entanglement of dukkha.
Gaia House Mettā and Insight

2020-12-13 Online Fundraising Event for Gaia House, with Sharon Salzberg. 1:44:45
Sharon Salzberg
Real Change - Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World
Gaia House Gaia House Fundraising Event - with Sharon Salzberg

2020-12-13 The Dharma Life -- session 6 - Awakening and The Dharma Life 1:27:37
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-12-13 The Art and Practice of Forgiveness 4:23:24
Phillip Moffitt, Noliwe Alexander
The art of forgiveness begins with connecting to the heart. The practice involves learning skills such as metta, mindful acknowledgement, and compassion. Practicing these skills enables you to free yourself from painful identification with past events. This is a day to bring remorse or grief about past actions and move beyond feelings of guilt and shame. Likewise, if someone has wronged you, you will be guided toward holding them in accountability without closing your heart. Additionally, forgiveness practice will move you toward clarity and acceptance for the ways you have let yourself down. Practicing forgiveness allows you to move from a heavy, remorseful heart and a reactive mind to a heart that’s light but still feels regret, and a mind that is calm and clear. The day will be held with periods of guided silent sitting and walking meditation practice, instruction in the art and practice of forgiveness, and a forgiveness ceremony, with opportunities to ask questions to the instructors.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-12-13 Q&A 37:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Can you comment on the other 3 foundations of mindfulness aside from body; is ‘heart-mind’ the translation for citta; is kamma self-perpetuating; please say more about tendency of untrained mind to outflow and how to reverse them; differentiate interdependency and toxic co-dependency in relationships; please explain mindful internally, externally, and both; please speak about how we can manage fear in this time of Corona virus; what is meant by ‘citta is released’; how do we work with aversion, like chemical sensitivity; what is the difference between citta as direct knowing and citta as learning; can you speak more about cleaning out the citta?
Dharma College

2020-12-13 Love Everyone Or Die 24:23
Ayya Medhanandi
We may speak of or feel that we know about death but until we truly contemplate, approach and move into death, what do we know? This is a tale about looking into the eye of a tortoise shell butterfly while it lay dying on the shrine. Straining as it reached up towards us waving its frail antennae when it heard our chanting, we felt at one even with this tiniest of creatures - who also wanted only to be loved.
Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC)

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