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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-09-24 "Contributing Effectively in Times of Crisis" Part 2 49:55
James Baraz
This week we will continue with Roger Walsh's essay: "Ten Principles to Know to Contribute Strategically". These principles provide a big-picture context for understanding our current dilemmas, unearthing their deepest roots, and revealing the deepest and most effective responses. This is part of a series of talks on the importance of holding a positive vision even through the storm.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2020-09-24 Evening Practice 65:30
Kirsten Kratz
Dharma Talk: Looking at our existence and 'fabrication' of self through the teachings on the five aggregates (khandas).
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-24 Hebrew - Fabrication - Ways of Looking and The Shaping of Experience 47:27
Zohar Lavie
Hebrew Dharma Talk
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-24 Samādhi Surfing 45:34
Nathan Glyde
1st guided meditation of the retreat, steadying into the present experience of body-heart-mind unification. Riding the wave of the present moment in intimate connection with breath & body sensations or sounds near and far.
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-24 Creatively Imagining Collective Liberation 48:45
Kate Johnson
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center No Part Left Out: A Meditation Retreat for Self-Identified Womxn

2020-09-24 Afternoon Practice 43:21
Kirsten Kratz
How the human mind appropriates and takes ownership of experience, and how any form of this is a type of clinging, which leads to dissatisfaction and stress. Looking at how we can reduce clinging through playing with different ways of seeing that support dis-identification.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-24 Bringing Insights to Life 17:46
Nathan Glyde
Introducing the theme of the retreat: Insights To Live By, by defining insight (as Rob Burbea has) as ways of relating to life that bring freedom here and now. Insights are transferable between us, between sessions of meditation, and very possibly between all aspects of our lives.
SanghaSeva Insights to Live By

2020-09-24 Morning Meditation 42:08
Kirsten Kratz
Holding our practice as an act of compassion to ourselves and others, resting into the bodily experience, meeting life with kindness. Being sensitive to the 'senses of self' arising in relationship to practice in this way
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

2020-09-23 Freedom from the Prison of Limiting Beliefs 56:06
Tara Brach
We suffer when we are caught in beliefs of our own or other’s badness, unworthiness, or lack of value. These beliefs hurt our bodies, lead to violent and/or addictive behaviors, and separate us from our own heart and each other. This talk explores how we can discover who we are beyond these beliefs by recognizing when we are trapped, and learning how to turn to presence and love (dedicated to Ruth Bader Ginsburg).
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-09-23 Evening Practice 69:23
Yuka Nakamura
Dharma Talk: How is our sense of self being created? One major way is our tendency to constantly compare and measure ourselves against others. The conceit (mana) that arises, that is, the feeling of being better than, worse than, or the same as others, is the source of much suffering. The talk discusses different forms of conceit based on birth, knowledge, beauty, etc., and shows ways in which we can practice with it skilfully.
Gaia House The Poetry of Self, The Poetry of Not Self

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