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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2025-01-16 Our Greatest Protection 46:39
James Baraz
This talk is about what the Dalai Lama called our greatest protection: our sincerity of motivation. What is sincerity? How do we know when we are truly sincere? How can we cultivate it?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2025-01-15 That Which Softens the Hardened Heart 61:21
Bob Stahl
A talk on Metta / Lovingkindness and the power of love
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat

2025-01-15 Transforming Fear Into Strength 53:31
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2025-01-15 Metta Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:59
Donald Rothberg
On the birthday of Dr. King, we explore some of the remarkable and powerful parallels between Metta practice and Buddhist teachings, on the one hand, and the life, teachings, and work of Dr. King, on the other. We explore in particular three areas: (1) the connection between Metta and the Christian tradition of acting from love that is central for King; (2) the wisdom perspective of seeing greed, hatred, and delusion, and developing understanding and manifesting non-reactivity through ethical grounding and nonviolence; and (3) the other qualities of the awakened heart--the Brahmavihara for the Buddha, and Dr. King’s way of manifesting qualities in addition to love, such as compassion, empathy, joy, and equanimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mettā Retreat: Teachings and Practices to Cultivate a Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2025-01-15 How to Meet These Times? 53:30
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings.
Aloka Earth Room

2025-01-15 How concentration works in a nutshell 11:04:01
Christiane Wolf
15 min talk, then mostly silent meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat

2025-01-14 Candy *ss sh*t - Training Mindfulness Teachers at the VA 59:22
Christiane Wolf
Transforming the lives of thousands of vets around the country; McMindfulness; Equanimity vs Indifference as a stress response.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat

2025-01-14 Wise Speech 34:45
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

2025-01-14 Morning Instructions Day 4 - Introducing the Neutral Person (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 46:01
Gullu Singh
In this guided meditation we expand the sphere of Mettā from Self, Benefactor and Friend to also include the neutral person. This is the person you do not know well or have any strong feeling for or against. The ancient texts describe this as the one that is neither loved nor unloved.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mettā Retreat: Teachings and Practices to Cultivate a Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart

2025-01-13 Understanding Impermanence - Week 1 of 6 - Meditation 23:03
Mark Nunberg
UNDERSTANDING IMPERMANENCE with Mark Nunberg This six-week course will explore the Buddha’s teachings on impermanence, the first of the three characteristics that are said to mark all of existence. Sensing deeply the changing and insubstantial nature of all conditioned experience liberates the heart from its entrenched habits of attachment. Participants will be expected to use the teachings as a focus of their daily practice. This ongoing program is designed to deepen our understanding through the study and application of the teachings of the Buddha.
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: Understanding Impermanence

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