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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-09-13 Aligning with Change - Talk 39:54
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-09-13 Transcending Distractions 60:11
Nathan Glyde
Invitations to relaxation, energy perceptions, anattā, surrender, and devotion as ways of relating to thoughts and other phenomena that appear as distractions to our steady relaxed attention.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Sept 2020

2020-09-13 Guided Meditation - Basic Luminosity of Citta 11:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Establish strong mindfulness that can act as a frame for shifting states of mind. Go easy on the mental content letting it all pass through. Aware of a basic luminosity, or vibrancy, assess what is needed to encourage citta – goodwill, patience, dispassion.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-09-11 Dharma and Recovery 1:23:29
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-09-11 התמיכות לויריה - חלק 2 61:05
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva קבוצת ישיבה אונליין בתובנה

2020-09-10 Holding a Positive Vision 53:47
James Baraz
It seems like an accomplishment just getting through such tumultuous times--wildfires on the West Coast, storms around the country, coronavirus lockdown and the US in daily chaos. It would be understandable to succumb to anxiety and overwhelm. But as the Buddha taught, practice is about overcoming negative thoughts when they arise and cultivating wholesome thoughts and mind-states. We will explore the importance of holding a positive vision even through the storm.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2020-09-10 meditation: exploring dukkha 24:44
Jill Shepherd
Bringing awareness to any dukkha present in the moment, noticing any reactions of clinging or resistance, and using wisdom, compassion and equanimity to help that clinging release
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-09-10 04 meditation: dukkha and release 24:44
Jill Shepherd
Bringing awareness to dukkha or unsatisfactoriness in the moment, and inviting the release of any resistance to it
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-09-10 talk: impermanence and dukkha 30:33
Jill Shepherd
Continuing to explore the three universal characteristics, looking at the relationship between impermanence and unsatisfactoriness, dukkha, and how wisdom and compassion can help release clinging / resistance to dukkha
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-09-10 03 talk: impermanence and dukkha 30:33
Jill Shepherd
Continuing to explore the three universal characteristics, with a focus on the relationship between impermanence and dukkha or unsatisfactoriness
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

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