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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-16 The Image of Ethics (Part 3) 2:22:29
Rob Burbea
CRUCIAL NOTE: It is highly unlikely that this talk will be properly or adequately understood without a prior very good working familiarity and competence – both in actual practice and conceptually – with Soulmaking Dharma teachings and practices, as well as with Insight Meditation. Without this background it may be that the talk will in fact be misunderstood, and it is unlikely that the talk will be helpful. Please note too that much of the material in this series of talks (In Psyche’s Orchard) is based on or continues explorations of material laid out in a particular previous series (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light). In Psyche’s Orchard was recorded by Rob at his home.
Gaia House In Psyche's Orchard

2020-02-16 Recognizing Joy as Part of Life 52:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Common Ground February Residential Retreat

2020-02-16 Three Kinds of Dukkha (Suffering) 61:02
Rebecca Bradshaw
The Suffering of painful, pleasant, and neutral experiences and the freedom of letting go
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

2020-02-16 Awareness Has No Boundaries 65:30
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation is based on the fact that mind can open and encompass the whole world of experience. Gathering energy and awareness into the here and now, and unhooking from the contents of consciousness establishes a very firm center that is also open. The result is unbound awareness.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Ajahn Sucitto, Firm Centre Open Heart Retreat

2020-02-16 Instructions and guided meditation using the “radiating energy“ method of metta practice 45:05
Jill Shepherd
Cultivating the embodied energy of warmth and kindness, radiating it in different directions then all directions simultaneously to “encompass the entire world”
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Strengthening the Heart: Lovingkindness Retreat

2020-02-16 Day 15 Morning Instructions: Big Mind (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:23
James Baraz
All experience arises and passed in the vast space of awareness. This meditation, adapted from Tibetan text, directs attention to awareness itself rather than the objects within the awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-16 The Causal Field and the Escape from It 54:23
Ajahn Sucitto
All experience is caused by something – it’s conditioned. We act based on these causes and conditions, reinforcing their hold. But there are particular actions that can bring about release from this causal continuum.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Ajahn Sucitto, Firm Centre Open Heart Retreat

2020-02-15 Teachings on Impermanence (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:47
Kamala Masters
Two Views of the nature of impermanence: The moment-to-moment view, and the infinite immensity view.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-15 The Image of Ethics (Part 2) 2:05:41
Rob Burbea
CRUCIAL NOTE: It is highly unlikely that this talk will be properly or adequately understood without a prior very good working familiarity and competence – both in actual practice and conceptually – with Soulmaking Dharma teachings and practices, as well as with Insight Meditation. Without this background it may be that the talk will in fact be misunderstood, and it is unlikely that the talk will be helpful. Please note too that much of the material in this series of talks (In Psyche’s Orchard) is based on or continues explorations of material laid out in a particular previous series (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light). In Psyche’s Orchard was recorded by Rob at his home.
Gaia House In Psyche's Orchard

2020-02-15 Overview of the Four Brahmavihara qualities 44:21
Jill Shepherd
Exploring how kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity work together to heal afflicted mind-states
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Strengthening the Heart: Lovingkindness Retreat

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