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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-18 Equanimity: Training The Heart, Responding With Love 52:24
Oren Jay Sofer
How does silent retreat practice apply to our daily life? This talk explores how the Brahma Viharas and equanimity specifically can serve as essential support for meeting the challenges of our times.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Strengthening the Heart: Lovingkindness Retreat

2020-02-18 Six Sense Spheres/Bahiya Sutta 45:56
John Martin
The Buddha taught that the six sense spheres of hearing, seeing, sensing, smelling, tasting and cognizing represent "the all". The Bahiya Sutta points directly to the sense spheres as not-self.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-18 The Image of Ethics (Part 5) 2:11:02
Rob Burbea
CRUCIAL NOTE: It is highly unlikely that this talk will be properly or adequately understood without a prior very good working familiarity and competence – both in actual practice and conceptually – with Soulmaking Dharma teachings and practices, as well as with Insight Meditation. Without this background it may be that the talk will in fact be misunderstood, and it is unlikely that the talk will be helpful. Please note too that much of the material in this series of talks (In Psyche’s Orchard) is based on or continues explorations of material laid out in a particular previous series (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light). In Psyche’s Orchard was recorded by Rob at his home.
Gaia House In Psyche's Orchard

2020-02-18 Motivation, Disillusionment, and Release 45:03
Winnie Nazarko
The motivation for practice changes as our initial ideas about what we "get" out of it, meet frustration. As delusion is exposed and let go of, real practice begins.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge February 2020

2020-02-18 Unwholesome Thoughts 38:31
Victoria Cary
Mission Dharma

2020-02-18 Metta leben - Mettapraxis im Alltag 47:02
Yuka Nakamura
Im Alltag bieten sich unzählige Gelegenheiten um Metta, die Qualität der Freundlichkeit und des Wohlwollens, zu üben und zu manifestieren. Dazu gehören Gesten der Grosszügigkeit, ethisches Handeln, Freundlichkeit in unseren Worten etc. Letzlich lässt uns Metta die Nicht-Getrenntheit von allen Wesen erkennen und entsprechend handeln.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2020-02-18 Staying in Touch with What’s Meaningful 18:42
Ajahn Sucitto
We are encouraged to stay in touch with relationships to values, virtues, that which we hold sacred. Regular recollections of the following are recommended: relationship with the sacred, with one’s body, with other people, with the Earth.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Ajahn Sucitto, Firm Centre Open Heart Retreat

2020-02-18 Not-Self 53:28
Chas DiCapua
Understanding Not Self through the lens of change and interconnectedness
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective Winter 2020

2020-02-18 Day 17 Afternoon Instructions: Compassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 46:25
Kamala Masters
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-18 Chanting: Buddha’s Words on Lovingkindness 3:16
Ajahn Sucitto
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Ajahn Sucitto, Firm Centre Open Heart Retreat

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