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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-05-03 30 Some Pointers for Metta 15:40
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-03 Caring for the Heart and Mind, Week 7: Working with Difficulties - Meditation 35:49
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-05-03 Caring for the Heart and Mind, Week 7: Working with Difficulties - Talk 40:39
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-05-03 Dhamma Stream Online Puja: The Gift of Vulnerability 32:03
Ajahn Sucitto
It’s possible to meet suffering with an open heart. If the heart can open to grief, pain and vulnerability, a new view is possible – one beyond the cycle of birth and death. Keep the heart open to Dhamma, rooted in faith and goodwill. This is the Path to the deathless. *Sutta References: Therīgatha 6:2; Samyutta Nikaya 12:23; Samyutta Nikaya 1:10
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-05-02 Metta, Forgiveness and Determination Practice 50:55
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2020-05-02 Die Āsavas - Wenn der Geist sich be-einflussen lässt 59:31
Yuka Nakamura
Die Āsavas - die sogenannten Triebflüsse oder Ströme - halten uns im Kreislauf des Leidens gefangen und beeinträchtigen auch unsere Fähigkeit, uns in einer heilsamen Weise auf die Welt zu beziehene. Im Vortrag werden die drei Triebflüsse (Sinnesfreuden, Werden, Unwissenheit) erläutert.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Online Vipassana-Retreat

2020-05-02 29 Senses Bases Cont. 25:07
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-01 The Currency of Covid: Protection from Harm Through Spiritual Awakening 24:16
Ayya Medhanandi
Waking up to our spiritual wealth, we learn the true currency of Covid - it is not fear and frailty but courage, compassion, loving-kindness, community and connection. We see what is protection for ourselves and for each other, dwelling with the Dhamma, the Truth, as our safety - our island and refuge.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2020-05-01 Loving Kindness Guided Meditation 39:44
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-05-01 Loving Kindness Talk 41:37
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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