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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Mark Coleman's Dharma Talks
Mark Coleman
Mark Coleman has been engaged in meditation practice since 1981, primarily within the Insight meditation tradition. He has been teaching meditation retreats since 1997. His teaching is also influenced by his studies with Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan teachers in Asia and the West, and through his teacher training with Jack Kornfield. Mark primarily teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, though he also teaches nationally, in Europe and India.
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2009-03-30 Awake In Nature 58:46
How does our meditation practice relate to the natural world? How does nature support our awakening. This talk explores how nature supports us to be more aware & develop awe, wonder, love, appreciation, peace and connectedness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2009-03-09 Equanimity 61:04
What is Equanimity? Why is it so difficult to be at ease in difficult circumstances. What supports this beautiful quality of the heart and how does it relate to metta (love), compassion and appreciative joy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2009-03-02 Joy 58:43
The beauty of Joy. How dharma teachings and practice supports the awakening of joy. This talk also explores joy as mudita - the appreciative joy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2009-02-23 Power Of Compassion 58:58
The place of compassion in our lives & practice - What supports the heart to open & what hinders compassion from opening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2009-02-05 The Qualities Of Compassion And Metta 65:40
How to cultivate and develop those qualities of compassion and appreciative joy and work with potential obstacles.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta (Lovingkindness) Retreat
2009-02-02 Principles And Practices Of Metta (Loving Kindness) 53:19
Overview of loving kindness practice,metta practice - supports,obstacles and fruits.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta (Lovingkindness) Retreat
2008-11-19 Metta - The Practice Of Kindness 58:13
This talk gives a thorough overview of the practice and application of metta (unconditional love). Also explored is the unity of mindfulness and metta, and how when metta is cultivated it becomes a source of wisdom in our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga
2008-11-16 Mindfulness Of The Body 53:37
Mindfulness of the body as a vehicle of awakening - this talk explores what's challenging about being in the body - working with physical pain, difficult emotions, and how mindfulness practice helps bring insight and ease.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga
2008-10-04 The Wise Heart: A Compassionate Response To Suffering 52:25
This talk discusses the Buddha's Teaching and the Enneagram's teaching on suffering; its cause and cessation and how the development of compassion heals and transforms suffering in ourselves and in the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Enneagram in Insight Meditation Practice
2008-06-28 Working With Papanca And Self-View 61:10
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Training for Yoga Teachers

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