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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Bob Stahl's Dharma Talks
Bob Stahl
Is a long-time practitioner of insight meditation, lived in a Buddhist monastery for over eight years. He has a PhD in Philosophy and Religion with a specialization in Buddhist Studies, and now directs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs in six Bay Area medical centers. Bob studied with the renowned Burmese masters Taungpulu Kaba-Aye Sayadaw, Hlaing Tet Sayadaw, Dr. Rina Sircar and Pokokhu Sayadaw, and has experience with 32 parts of the body, 4 elements and charnel ground meditations. Bob has completed training with Jon Kabat-Zinn and is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher having been certified by UMass Medical Center.
2015-05-11 The Heart of the Dhamma and how it Informs Mindfulness-Based Approaches 55:36
An investigation into Suffering, its causes and the path to freedom. And how these teaching inform the MBSR curriculum.
Insight Santa Cruz (Copper Beech Institute) Convergence: The Meeting of the Insight Meditation Tradition and all Mindfulness-Based Approaches
2015-05-09 Skillful Ways of Working with the Hindrances and Introduction to Convergence 53:45
How to work with the hindrances that come up in meditation practice and an Introduction to how the Dhamma informs all Mindfulness-Based Approaches.
Insight Santa Cruz (Copper Beech Institute) Convergence: The Meeting of the Insight Meditation Tradition and all Mindfulness-Based Approaches
2014-12-05 There is a Ruby Buried Inside 69:18
Insight Santa Cruz (Insight Retreat Center) December 2014 Retreat
2014-12-02 One Day I Know It Will Be Otherwise 49:11
Insight Santa Cruz (Insight Retreat Center) December 2014 Retreat
2014-09-21 32 Parts of the Body Chant 10:50
The Chant of the 32 Parts of the Body with our retreat community
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2014-09-19 The Path to Peace 53:38
The journey of turning into suffering to find your heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2014-09-18 Part 4 on 32 Parts of the Body 44:24
Meditation on Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Stomach, Feces and Brain
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2014-09-17 Part 1 on 32 Parts of the Body 56:58
Meditation on Head Hair, Body Hair, Nails, Teeth and Skin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2014-09-16 A Legacy of Kindness 54:09
Working with the Five Hindrances and introduction to the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2014-08-21 Body Scan 42:06
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Finland

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