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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2010-03-03 Awakening Joy 60:59
Guest Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center
2010-02-25 Trusting Your Buddha Knowing 63:12
The source of our awakening is right inside us. As we learn to listen deeply to the wisdom and purity of heart that is connected to the truth, we are following the Buddha's instructions to "be a lamp unto yourself".
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long
2010-02-19 Awakening Joy 66:13
Practice is more than just opening to suffering. It is a path of happiness. We can incline the mind to open to and awaken wholesome states that lead to well-being and, ultimately, liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long
2010-02-15 Abundant Enoughness: The Practice of Contentment 61:01
The Buddha spoke of Nekkhama or renunciation as source of happiness. This is because it gives rise to contentment-seeing this moment as complete as it is. This talk explores the experience of inner contentment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long
2010-02-11 The Lion's Roar 54:49
In Tibetan teachings the Lion's Roar is the "fearless proclamation that every situation is workable." Being humbled can lead to a profound, wise humility, doubt can lead to strong confidence and vulnerability and can be the path to fearlessness.

James presented another version of this talk at the February 2010 month-long retreat at Spirit Rock.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2010-02-09 Our Greatest Protection 59:28
Sincerity of heart is the most important ingredient that we can bring to practice. This talk explores that theme with special focus on the Four Iddhipadas, or Bases of Success that fuel our sincere motivation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long
2010-02-07 Awakening to Joy 49:14
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community
2010-02-04 The Lion's Roar 57:54
In Tibetan teachings the Lion's Roar is the "fearless proclamation that every situation is workable." Being humbled can lead to a profound, wise humility, doubt can lead to strong confidence and vulnerability can be the path to fearlessness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February 2010 Month Long
2010-01-30 Awakening Joy Daylong PM Session 3:09:21
James and co-writer of Awakening Joy Shoshana Alexander, plus many friends from the 10-month course--dharma teachers, happiness experts, neuroscientists, musicians and more--share their thoughts on true happiness. This is the PM Session which includes Syvia Boorstein, and Anam Thubten Rinpoche.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2010-01-30 Awakening Joy 2:42:34
James and co-writer of Awakening Joy Shoshana Alexander, plus many friends from the 10-month course--dharma teachers, happiness experts, neuroscientists, musicians and more--share their thoughts on true happiness. This is the AM Session which includes Rick Foster and Greg Hicks, Rick Hansen, and performances by Eve Decker, Betsy Rose and Jennifer Berezen.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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