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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Devon Hase's Dharma Talks
Devon Hase
devon hase loves long retreats. Cumulatively, she’s spent four years in silent practice in the Insight and Vajrayana traditions. Since discovering meditation in 2000, she has put dharma and community at the center of her life: she spent a decade bringing mindfulness to high school and college classrooms and now teaches at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, and other centers around the world. She enjoys supporting practitioners with personal mentoring, and her friendly, conversational approach centers relational practice and the natural world. Along with her life partner nico, devon co-authored How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Buddhist Survival Guide for Modern Life. She continues to spend a good part of the time in wilderness retreat in Oregon, Massachusetts, and elsewhere. For more, visit
2024-03-01 Ordinary Love 48:11
Reflections on metta and the power of ordinariness in cultivating this friendliness and goodwill in the heart-mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2024
2024-02-16 Meditation on Emotions and Awareness 59:07
Teachings on RAIN and holding it all with awareness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Essential Teachings for Our Times
2024-02-15 The Second Music 54:47
Reflections on love, devotion, and finding truth through the Three Characteristics.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Essential Teachings for Our Times
2024-02-13 Receiving Metta from the Earth 42:28
Teachings on Brahma Vihara practice and guided Receiving Care meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Essential Teachings for Our Times
2024-02-07 Mindfulness of Emotions 52:48
Reflections and guided practice on the third foundation of Mindfulness of the Heart-Mind (Cittanupassana).
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love
2024-02-06 Wholeness and the Four Noble Truths 48:45
Discussions of returning to wholeness, and opening to wisdom and love. New interpretation of the Four Noble Truths
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love
2024-02-04 Mindfulness of the Breath and Mindfulness of Sounds 54:12
Introduction to satipatthana with a guided meditation on sounds and breathing
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love
2024-02-03 Introduction to the Brahma Viharas 43:36
Short teaching and overview of the divine abodes, followed by a guided receiving care practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love
2024-02-03 Mindfulness of Eating 14:02
Short teaching on the practice of mindful eating, including quote from Sonya Renée Taylor (author of The Body is Not an Apology).
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love
2024-01-21 Your Garden Grows at Midnight 44:20
with Devon Hase, Nico Hase
In this talk, devon + nico will offer reflections on cultivating goodness in times of conflict.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

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