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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2024-02-23 Tools for examining direct experience 26:13
Looking into dhammas means looking into the mental, psychological and emotional experiences that arise and saturate, that we cling to.
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat :  Cultivating the Empty Field
2024-02-22 GM - Basics of reclining meditation 35:08
Ajahn outlines some basic considerations on reclining
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat :  Cultivating the Empty Field
2024-02-21 Using a communal form 18:18
A retreat is a practice container that emphasizes cooperation and presence in a steady and communal form.
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat :  Cultivating the Empty Field
2024-02-18 Learning from the retreat 17:06
Pay attention to what demands more attention, what to be glad about, what to remember whenever you are transitioning.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-18 GM - Starting the day 31:19
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-17 Q&A 24:12
Could you speak more on Buddha mind? Does it involve the heart? Is it with us all the time like an inner guide, below the ego and self-constructed identity?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-17 Reference points for practice 45:34
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-16 Q&A 35:35
00:10 Q1 Please share tips to manage the flurry of emotions that might arise when we're back in our day today busy lives. 20:18 Q2 Sometimes when I think of my own death I don't care. How do we manage acceptance in a way that doesn't become apathetic or dull sense of I don't care. 27:47 Q3 How do you establish presence and find your center when your body is in unbearable pain? 34:16 Q4 Can you speak about the use of pharmaceuticals for perceived mental and physical imbalances?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-16 Anussati - recollection 35:12
In meditation we practice staying mindful in the presence of something. What are the things that are worthy of being “in mind”?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-16 Centre and path 50:28
The epitome of the path to an ancient city described by the Buddha exists between the extremes of affirmation and denial, destroying things and holding on to things.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center

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