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gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2024-02-12 The most important thing is to regain the centre 47:23
The Buddha taught the end of suffering. It is also called “regaining the centre”.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-11 Understanding the precepts 15:13
Ajahn provides a way to hold and use precepts
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-02-11 Opening Talk 27:06
Retreat practices mean using receptivity, our most fundamental quality.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center
2024-01-07 Closing remarks 32:08
Ajahn reviews key retreat elements: name, form, consciousness and contact – sanya, vedena
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart
2024-01-07 Contemplating the five elements 44:47
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart
2024-01-06 What is deathlessness 37:20
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-01-06 Guided Meditation - A meditation memo 15:16
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-01-06 Q&A 50:10
Q1 In samadhi, kāyasankhāra unifies with cittasankhāra. In this state what does the citta feel like? 16:25 Q2 Having associated wanting with a negative connotation I have been habitually suppressing my wants/ desires so sometimes it is hard to know what I want when it comes to important decisions. 31:41 Q3 During meditation is it OK to let my body move back and forth as I feel being pulled by a subtle energy flow. 33:00 Q4 Regarding death practice, do you have any advice? 39:52 Q5 When one becomes too comfortable in walking it becomes monotonous and the mind becomes dull but that’s not what we want, right? Any suggestions? 43:07 Q6 How do we practice dhamma in our daily life, especially in a hectic environment?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart
2024-01-06 Some key terms and their usage and meaning 55:37
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart
2024-01-05 Q&A 44:43
Q1 Can you explain more about patiggha phassa / impact on consciousness. 17:50 Q2 How do we link contact, impact and impression to cause and effect and the action we then take? 24:18 Q3 How do you know if a spiritual teacher is best for an individual? 29:11 Q4 I notice a good amount that you’ve taught us (like QiGong) is not dhamma but corroborates with Taoism and other traditions I may not be familiar with. How can we be sure to tell true dhamma from false dhamma. 37:30 Q5 How can we spread positive energy in a toxic environment? 43:11 Is it normal to feel wobbly / unbalanced during walking meditation?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart

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