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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2023-10-23 The effort to check proliferation 49:32
Effort: taking an overview, we can recognize the first effort is to generate right view, to note the conditionalities in which we find ourselves. We see which ones lead to stress, and which allow it to cease.
Cittaviveka Replenish and release: servicing the heart
2023-10-23 The temple of release 49:10
We use retreat to learn how to soften and loosen the worldly ways of stimulation and action, and to enter the space and silence of our temple.
Cittaviveka Replenish and release: servicing the heart
2023-10-22 GM - Replenishing energy and resetting attitude 63:32
Teachings from the last week of the vassa. Description pending.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-10-22 Faith, the unconditioned and the way past grasping 49:31
Finding a place to begin can’t come from history. Intuitive faith / saddha is useful to distinguish the mundane from the place where truth, the unconditioned, can be revealed.
Cittaviveka Replenish and release: servicing the heart
2023-10-11 Q&A 13:01
Participant questions are précised and read into the file. The reading does not communicate the emotion that was frequently beautifully present: 00:08 Q1: I started listening to your recordings maybe in 2020 and it just really resonates with me the way you explain the citta. I just have never heard it described in quite the way you do, it all makes sense. So just to say thank you for this. 01:11 Q2: Could you speak about the bowing - what you are doing and how to do it. 05:56 Q3: I don’t have words to express my heart but thanks. The silence this morning … there’s something about it … The process is so intriguing, so beautiful, so thank you all everybody. 06:22 Q4 I so appreciate your clarity. You have helped me to understand things that I touched into years ago. And I went down cul-de-sacs not understanding. I am so grateful to have come into contact with you. 08:32 Q5 It’s been a difficult year for me and with your teaching I feel like an instrument that has been retuned. I feel I can play now or sing. 08:49 Q6 I want to say I am very grateful to be here and it seems that I have probably done some wholesome actions along the way. Sometimes when I look at my life I look at the difficult things that have happened to me and now I see I need to also look at the beautiful things. 09:21 Q7 For the last 10 years I have been struggling with daily practice and now I see better that practice is not just for half an hour but it’s 24/7 and I have to do my best. 11:15 Q8 You’ve talked about practicing with the paramis. I don’t know what they are. Is there a text you could recommend on this? 11:59 Q9 I just wanted to thank you and everyone for the silent presence and especially to thank you for how you led us into silence. 12:17 Q10 I just want to add that the QiGong was really special and added a lot. Thank you for that. 12:35 Q11 Who is your teacher in QiGong?
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein
2023-10-11 Coming to the end 50:50
A Dhamma session is special, a form that is unlike the form in which most people live. But as we return to the helter-skelter of city life, it offers certain things to bear in mind.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-10-11 GM – Beginning the day; finding purpose 23:54
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein
2023-10-10 Meditation bears fruit in wisdom 23:18
Meditation is part of the eight-fold path. We see there are no such things as objects just many, many subjects – and they all experience themselves as subjects.
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein
2023-10-10 Guided Meditation - Beginning the day, beginning response-ability 25:23
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein
2023-10-09 The operating system of dependent origination 56:07
An examination of the operating system that gets set up with life and the program “I am a separate being.”
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

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