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Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2022-07-15 Dhamma Streams Q&A 32:28
04:57 Q1 How to work with jealousy at others’ good fortune. 21:15 Q2 Living through old age, sickness and death is really highlighting my dread of being unreasonable and fitting in with familyWhat to do? 23:33 Q3 How can we use grief after the loss of a loved one? 27:36 Q4 Two similar questions: (a) I have experienced a loss of direction and feel no zest for living and insecurity overwhelms me. (b) Angry thoughts / emotional intensity lead to self admonishment. What can I do?
Cittaviveka 2022 Online Teaching
2022-07-15 Q&A 50:04
04:57 Q1 How to work with jealousy at others’ good fortune. 21:15 Q2 Living through old age, sickness and death is really highlighting my dread of being unreasonable and fitting in with family. What to do? 23:33 Q3 How can we use grief after the loss of a loved one? 27:36 Q4 Two similar questions: (a) I have experienced a loss of direction and feel no zest for living and insecurity overwhelms me. (b) Angry thoughts / emotional intensity lead to self admonishment. What can I do? 32:25 Q5 Can you expand your ideas about the connections between citta and cetena. 37:37 Q6 What is meant by the unconditioned? 42:56 Q7 What are the kasinas? 46:24 Q8 Can you speak about hiriottappa?
Cittaviveka 2022 Online Teaching
2022-07-03 Q&A - How to get out of your head and why 33:05
Questions are précised 00:00 Q1 When the body or place doesn’t seem like a safe place to be, how can we take refuge in the heart? 04:01 Q2 I have been experiencing a flight – fight response recently, triggered perhaps by the pandemic. Everything seems to get trapped in the brain although I have been meditating for years. It seems to be a bit of a fight. Do you have any advice please? 12:39 Q3 The pandemic mode seems to continue and these small text messages are very quick and short and I feel lost, not catching up to the mind states of others. How can we do body practices in this situation? 18:39 Q4 There is so much to worry about these days and it seems almost hopeless sometimes. My meditation helps, but how can I be more consistent with the practice please? 23:31 Q5 I’m a psychologist working with people who have experienced severe trauma. Do you have one or two suggestions as to how I can help other people to clear energies that affect the heart and body? 28:54 Q6 I have relationship issues with my sister over how she treats our mother. I have spoken rather harshly to her about this and she has stopped talking to me. How can I deal with this please?
2022-07-03 How to get out of your head and why - An online talk requested by Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives, Bangkok 22:23
Incessant thinking is like a vehicle whose wheels have left the ground. Presence can be anchored by mindfulness of the body; this allows the heart safety from agitation and reduces addictive longing for sense stimulation.
2022-06-25 Guided standing meditation 30:22
Guided standing meditation - (Méditation debout guide)
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being
2022-06-24 Q&A 48:30
(précis) 00:00 Q1 You speak of “an energy body”. I feel energy passing through my physical body but what is the difference between the two bodies? How do they interact? 42:16 Q2 During walking meditation I had the feeling that I no longer existed as a person. Everything was concentrated in the present moment and the sound of a bell ringing lasted for an eternity. The experience unsettled me. ((précis) 00:00 Q1 Vous parlez d'« un corps énergétique ». Je sens de l'énergie traverser mon corps physique mais quelle est la différence entre les deux corps ? Comment interagissent-ils ? 42:16 Q2 Pendant la marche méditative, j'ai eu le sentiment que je n'existais plus en tant que personne. Tout était concentré dans l'instant présent et le son d'une cloche durait une éternité. L'expérience m'a déstabilisé.)
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being
2022-06-24 Taking your retreat home 63:47
Some suggestions for taking the benefits of the retreat home and continuing one’s development. (Quelques suggestions pour profiter des bienfaits de la retraite à la maison et poursuivre son développement. )
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being
2022-06-23 Q&A 57:38
(précis) 00:00 Q1 When an emotion or unpleasant feeling like anger or fear arises, should we carry on meditating on the breath or should we reflect and analyze? 28:02 Q2 Can you explain more about cleansing and transmuting afflictive emorions in one's heart? 45:19 Q3 Is it possible that pleasant sensations can help us live a more serene life even if they are impermanent? 48:28 Q4 Regarding the group form, why do we simply have to listen and only share in the small groups? ((précis) 00:00 Q1 Lorsqu'une émotion ou un sentiment désagréable comme la colère ou la peur surgit, doit-on continuer à méditer sur la respiration ou doit-on réfléchir et analyser ? 28:02 Q2 Pouvez-vous en dire plus sur la purification et la transmutation des émotions afflictives dans le cœur? 45:19 Q3 Est-il possible que des sensations agréables puissent nous aider à vivre une vie plus sereine même si elles sont éphémères ? 48:28 Q4 Concernant la forme de groupe, pourquoi devons-nous simplement écouter et ne partager qu'en petits groupes?)
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being
2022-06-23 Guided meditation - cultivation of goodwill 45:48
Using breath we fill a bubble that is almost an aspect of our body, allowing it to diffuse as we exhale. We release the unneeded and bring in what is needed - lightness, warmth or freshness, humour. We allow goodwill to manifest, just this. (En utilisant la respiration, nous remplissons une bulle qui est presque un aspect de notre corps, lui permettant de se diffuser lorsque nous expirons. Nous libérons l'inutile et apportons ce qui est nécessaire - légèreté, chaleur ou fraîcheur, humour. Nous permettons à la bonne volonté de se manifester, juste cela. )
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being
2022-06-23 Heart energies 67:56
The subtle energies of practicing generosity include feelings of gratitude or respect, avoiding the pitfalls (e.g.) of a sense of obligation or comparison with others. This is right motivation. We note the beauty of our own heart, steady and receptive, void of ill will. (Les énergies subtiles de la pratique de la générosité incluent des sentiments de gratitude ou de respect, évitant les pièges (par exemple) d'un sentiment d'obligation ou de comparaison avec les autres. C'est la bonne motivation. Nous notons la beauté de notre propre cœur, stable et réceptif, dépourvu de mauvaise volonté.)
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

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