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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2020-04-05 Dhamma Stream Online Puja: Protecting Ourselves and Others 30:08
By protecting ourselves we protect others. When we protect our own hearts from defensiveness, blame, hostility and stress, we also protect others. We train ourselves through the 4 foundations of mindfulness. *Sutta reference is SN47:19.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down
2020-04-03 Home Movie from the Kuti: Dealing with Isolation 38:16
Even in this experience of physical isolation, we’re not exactly separate – we’re always with something. Practicing with the relational sense, we meet everything as it is rather than trying to change it or fix it. From this broad state of awareness, edges and boundaries soften, and the heart connects with lovingkindness, regardless of physical proximity.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down
2020-03-20 Nibbāna – The Taste of Freedom 46:09
Is it possible that the obstructions we meet are our fiercest teachers? We encounter the places where construction is no longer possible. It’s the last place we want to go, but if we can cultivate skillful means to linger there, we can taste nibbāna in this very life.
2020-03-16 Acknowledging the Causal Field 20:11
Using the sound of the bell, we can notice what meanings and reactions are triggered. It all happens within awareness. We can practice tracing our reactions back to their causal roots, aware of the energies that generate compulsive and agitating feelings and activities.
Bosoord Center :  A Whole Life Path: Abiding in Stillness, Engaging with Wisdom
2020-03-16 Guided Meditation – Setting Up a Causal Loop of Goodwill 27:21
Establish the body in upright grounded presence so other structures can be supported by this central structure. Internally, refrain from instinctual differentiations. Include everything without adding what’s not needed. Resonate goodwill through the realm of awareness.
Bosoord Center :  A Whole Life Path: Abiding in Stillness, Engaging with Wisdom
2020-03-14 Guided Meditation – Recollecting Buddha 31:02
The mind needs to resonate many times with something that gives it confidence, assurance, clarity. Buddha represents that. Guidance given to recollect qualities of Buddha, feeling the effects as resonances in the body, lingering to encourage the effects to pervade.
Bosoord Center :  A Whole Life Path: Abiding in Stillness, Engaging with Wisdom
2020-03-07 The Touch of Empathy 34:15
What happens when confronted with what we don’t like? Drips of ill will – blame, grudges – build up a crust. Detox is about breaking through that crust. Connecting to the bodily presence, we can touch the hurt of fear, inadequacy and desperation with empathy.
Bosoord Center :  A Whole Life Path: Abiding in Stillness, Engaging with Wisdom
2020-03-01 Guided Meditation: Listening with the Body 20:27
The body and mind are not separate. Emotional resonances and residues manifest as an energetic continuum in the body. Cultivating mindfulness of body allows us to touch into this causal field. The body listens, the emotions speak. Energy can then pass through.
Bosoord Center :  A Whole Life Path: Abiding in Stillness, Engaging with Wisdom
2020-02-26 Renewal Means Refrain from Going Back 24:24
Being comes before doing. Openness needs the protection of Refuge, not the defensiveness of ill-will. Renewal is not a case of planning or trying something new, but of stopping the re-creating of the old self. Citta then renews by itself.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal
2020-02-26 Aligning to Direct Experience 11:25
As phenomena arise, align understanding to direct experience. Clear away inferences such as time and the notion of the body. All phenomena arise within awareness. Extend awareness through breathing. Pervade the body with tonalities of goodwill rather than of ill-will or no will.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

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