Retreat Dharma Talks
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Die Khandhas und Nicht-Selbst
Yuka Nakamura
Obwohl wir normalerweise von der Existenz eines festen, unabhängigen Selbst ausgehen, lässt sich ein solches nicht finden. Diese Illusion entsteht durch das Anhaften an den fünf Khandhas (Daseinsgruppen), die Identifikation mit dem Körper, den Gefühlstönungen, der Wahrnehmung, den Willensregungen und dem Bewusstsein als 'ich', 'mein' oder 'mein Selbst'. Indem wir erkennen, wie das Selbst geschaffen wird, werden wir frei von einer fixierten Identität.
Yuka Nakamura
Eine Sichtweise des Selbst, die von einem unabhängig existierenden Selbst ausgeht, führt zu viel Leiden, individuell und kollektiv. Wir können aufwachen zu einer Sichtweise der Verbundenheit und Bezogenheit und erkennen, wie wir durch unsere Gedanken, Worte und Taten an der Ganzheit des Lebens teilhaben und mitgestalten.
32 Parts of the Body Meditation: Discovering Freedom within the Body—Week 7 Tears, Grease, Saliva, Mucus, Oil of the Joints, Urine
Bob Stahl
Please join us for this 8-week “32 Parts of the Body” meditation class that has rarely been taught in the West. This practice will cultivate deeper insight into the true nature of the body and most importantly to help see through the identifications, conditionings, beliefs, and narratives – the erroneous view of self. It has also been used for healing illness. Various methods will be taught to strengthen mindfulness of the body and to explore the mind/body connection. Each class will consist of silent and guided meditation, chanting of the body parts and small and large group discussion. These teachings and practices will help develop greater clarity, wisdom, and compassion; and foster the depth of practice.
32 Parts of the Body Meditation: Discovering Freedom within the Body—Week 7 Anatomy Presentation
Bob Stahl
Guest teachers Robin MacFarland and Tufumoena’i Lesu’i from the Cabrillo College Anatomy lab taught today’s class. They offered an anatomy presentation.
Please join us for this 8-week “32 Parts of the Body” meditation class that has rarely been taught in the West. This practice will cultivate deeper insight into the true nature of the body and most importantly to help see through the identifications, conditionings, beliefs, and narratives – the erroneous view of self. It has also been used for healing illness. Various methods will be taught to strengthen mindfulness of the body and to explore the mind/body connection. Each class will consist of silent and guided meditation, chanting of the body parts and small and large group discussion. These teachings and practices will help develop greater clarity, wisdom, and compassion; and foster the depth of practice.