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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2010-10-18 with Rinchen Khandro Choegyal: Carrying The Lamp Of The Dhamma. 69:13
Jack Kornfield
The empowerment of Tibetan Women and the Rise of Tibetan Nuns.
2010-10-18 Baby Blessing - October 18, 2010 5:55
Jack Kornfield
2010-10-20 Wisdom Everywhere 51:16
Sylvia Boorstein
2010-10-27 "Presents of Mind" 53:30
Sylvia Boorstein
2010-11-01 Developing the Paramis 57:15
Mark Coleman
This talk focuses on the development of 5 of the 10 Paramis: generosity, truthfulness, equanimity, renunciation and wisdon - how they are both innate and also elemental beautiful qualities on the path.
2010-11-03 Paramitas- Each a Permutation of the Others 60:34
Sylvia Boorstein
2010-11-08 Developing the Parami' Part 2 61:43
Mark Coleman
This talk continues an exploration of the Buddhas teachings in the Paramis - specifically focusing on the Parimi of Love ( metta) energy, persistence, truthfulness and morality.
2010-11-10 Twelve Reasons Why We Practice 62:00
Donald Rothberg
Connecting with our deep motivation for practice is a crucial support. We explore a number of interwoven motivations for practicing.
2010-11-15 Joy & its Causes 65:46
Jack Kornfield
How Joy can be found, nourished and brought alive in the very circumstances of our life. Shifting from our loyalty to suffering, to a deeper freedom of heart.
2010-11-17 Reflections on Compassion 33:52
Sally Armstrong
Guided reflective meditations on compassion for someone who is suffering, for oneself, and for the world.
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