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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2011-03-14 Watching the News Through the Lens of the Dhamma 68:51
Anushka Fernandopulle
2011-03-23 Everything is a Mindfulness Bell 43:04
Sylvia Boorstein
2011-03-28 How to Fully Receive Experience 65:50
Phillip Moffitt
Fully receiving experience is a key component in mindfulness that leads to insite.
2011-03-30 My Religion is Kindness 69:16
Sylvia Boorstein
2011-04-04 Bodhisattva 57:31
Jack Kornfield
2011-04-06 Reflections on a Month long Retreat 40:01
Donald Rothberg
Exploration of the major themes of a just completed retreat, including focusing on the essentials of life, practicing fully and opening to the deeper truths.
2011-04-11 The Awakened Heart 58:46
Jack Kornfield
On Mindfulness... and the uncovering of our "true nature"...
2011-04-13 Doorways to Peace 63:13
Heather Sundberg
Five ways to cultivate peace with experiential practice, quotes, stories and techniques.
2011-04-18 Garden of the Heart 60:13
Jack Kornfield
2011-04-27 Equanimity in Action- Part I 61:54
Donald Rothberg
We explore how mature equanimity is expressed through wisdom, the open heart, and the body. We examine some of the qualities of equanimity and how we develop it in the midst of action, as well as on the cushion.
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