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gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2011-02-02 Introduction to Concentration Practice 57:36
Donald Rothberg
We begin four weeks of attention to the three meditative factors of the Eightfold Path, starting with concentration, and including a concentrative exercise and attention to wise effort in concentraton.
2011-02-07 The Middle Way 62:22
Kevin Griffin
Application of the Middle Way in meditation practice and daily life.
2011-02-09 Concentration Practice II- and discussion 55:19
Donald Rothberg
We review the basics of concentration practice,and then focus on concentration practice as a path of purification, and then on wise effort in concentration practice.
2011-02-14 True Love-Romantic Love 55:40
Mark Coleman
What is romantic love & how does it compare to metta/boundless love that is the heart's true capacity
2011-02-16 Concentration Practice III 55:28
Donald Rothberg
We review our previous exploration of concentration practices with further treatment of 1) wise effort, 2) how concentration deepens toward the Jhanas, and 3) the relationship of concentration and insight practice.
2011-02-23 How Effort, Mindfulness and Concentration Are Interwoven 56:55
Donald Rothberg
We step back to look at how we develop the three meditative path factors separately, and how, as practice deepens, the factors become interwoven, and we move forward a kind of mindful, concentrated, effortless effort.
2011-02-28 Mindfulness, Technology & Social Media 53:01
Mark Coleman
How do we stay mindful in the world of technology, email and internet? How Buddhist teachings on mindfulness and intention help give us presence in the midst of it all.
2011-03-02 Through the Eyes of the Dharma 49:46
Sylvia Boorstein
2011-03-04 Heartwood 57:04
Kittisaro, Thanissara
Entering the retreat vehicle; not stopping at the initial benefits of practice; journey to the innermost heart.
2011-03-09 Nothing That The Wise Would Later Reprove, Part 1 53:07
Sylvia Boorstein
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